Plasma Investigations
Growth of a nanosecond discharge in a conical shell R. Kh. Amirov, E. I. Asinovskii, I. S. Samoilov
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Electron energy distribution in a discharge with a vaporizing hollow cathode A. A. Derkach, V. A. Saenko
840 |
Near ultraviolet emission from nonequilibrium inert-gas plasmas. $\text{I}$. Experiment A. Kh. Amirov, O. V. Korshunov, V. F. Chinnov
847 |
Column of an atmospheric-pressure electric arc I. I. Beilis, A. Yu. Seval'nikov
856 |
Intensive vaporization of an aggregate of particles including thermal and ionization disequilibrium in a radiation field A. G. Lesskis, A. K. Titov, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov
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Numerical analysis of the characteristics of a laser with mixing of $\mathrm{H}_2$ and $\mathrm{HCl}$ components and excitation of molecular hydrogen by electroionization V. A. Vostryakov, I. P. Kirmusov, A. M. Starik
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Calculation of the thermal conductivity of a dense gas using Enskog's theory with the real intermolecular interaction potential A. A. Wasserman, I. P. Khasilev
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Properties of solid and liquid zirconium V. N. Korobenko, A. I. Savvatimskii
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Thermoelectron emission of iridium exposed to fast pulsed heating S. V. Lebedev, N. V. Stepanova
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Optimum properties and structure of high-temperature composite heat sink materials M. A. Marinbakh
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Electrophysical properties of thin films made by reactive evaporation of aluminum nitride L. A. Zhylyakov, A. V. Kostanovskii
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Light scattering in molten sulfur in the anomaly region A. G. Kobzunenko, K. I. Kugel', L. A. Makarova, M. A. Serednitskaya, N. A. Tatiashvili
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Analytic calculation of nonstationary heat conduction of multilayered bodies V. L. Kalitvyanskii
914 |
Limiting state of a surface during thermal activity V. M. Polyaev, A. N. Genbach, A. A. Genbach
923 |
Calculation of an "empirical" heat-transfer coefficient with a stepped periodic change in heat-transfer rate Yu. B. Zudin
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Thermal regimes of cooling copper targets with intensive local heating V. V. Kharitonov, A. A. Plakseev, V. V. Voskoboinikov, D. Yu. Tarutin
941 |
Homogeneous nucleation in liquid-metal coolants saturated with hydrogen Yu. V. Trofimov, V. B. Omel'yanchenko, A. P. Nikitin
949 |
Gas–liquid flows in a pipe with external transverse vibrations Rs. I. Nigmatulin
954 |
Experimental verification of the optical similarity of jets of a heated molecular gas Yu. V. Belyaev, O. B. Zhdanovich, A. N. Kuzmin, Yu. V. Khodyko
961 |
Influence of three-dimensional effects on fluid dynamics and heat transfer in the subsonic flow of a viscous compressible gas on the initial section of a rectangular channel A. E. Kuznetsov, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur
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Mathematical modeling of the phenomenon of repeat filling in a system of parallel heat channels B. I. Nigmatulin, V. E. Kroshilin, Ya. D. Khodzhaev
973 |
Experimental study of the condensation of high-melting oxides during the surface heating of a target in air by laser radiation A. Yu. Vorob'ev, V. A. Petrov, V. E. Titov, A. P. Chernyshov
981 |
Formation of a continuous gas layer in the discharge of a gas into a liquid A. A. Dushkin
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Similarity of the radiation characteristics of heated jets A. I. Bril', V. P. Kabashnikov, Yu. V. Khodyko
995 |
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Device for investigation X-ray diffraction on shock-compressed material E. B. Zaretskii, G. I. Kanel', P. A. Mogilevskii, V. E. Fortov
1002 |
Thermionic temperature monitoring detector Yu. K. Lingart, D. L. Shur
1009 |
Equilibrium of internal degrees of freedom of molecules and atoms in hypersonic flight in the upper atmosphere V. M. Doroshenko, N. N. Kudryavtsev, V. V. Smetanin
1013 |
Short Communications
К расчету электропроводности сверхплотной плазмы I. T. Yakubov
1028 |
Влияние коллекторного материала на потери напряжения в межэлектродном зазоре ТЭП в дуговом режиме V. A. Maksimov, A. S. Titkov
1030 |
Измерение теплофизических параметров материала лазерным методом A. O. Nazaryan, B. M. Smirnov
1032 |
Сублимация диоксида циркония, стабилизированного иттрием, в атмосфере воздуха и среде продуктов сгорания A. T. Don, N. I. Ibragimov, E. P. Pakhomov, P. K. Khabibulaev, G. P. Chernyshov, Yu. I. Chubarov
1035 |
Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Влияние учета полидисперсности углеродного топлива на электропроводность продуктов сгорания импульсного геофизического МГД-генератора (№ 2567-В-91 Деп. от 19.06.1991) V. N. Durnev, V. S. Vlasov
1038 |
К вопросу об интенсивном поверхностном испарении (№ 2568-В-91 Деп. от 19.06.1991) I. A. Kuznetsova, A. A. Yushkanov
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