Plasma Investigations
Current oscillation in oxygen and oxygen-nitrogen discharges under the influence of sound waves G. A. Galechyan, D. M. Karapetyan, L. B. Tavakalyan
849 |
Dynamics of vacuum-arc quenching. II. Influence of slow ions on the electric-strength recovery and arc reignition A. B. Bogoslovskaya, Ya. I. Londer, K. N. Ulyanov
854 |
Recombination of multiply charged ions and step ionization in superdense plasma I. T. Yakubov
862 |
The calculation of continuous radiative spectra of a plasma L. G. D'yachkov
868 |
The effect of non-Coulomb interactions on the spectrum of plasma oscillations in a classical two-component plasma E. A. Allakhyarov, V. B. Bobrov, S. A. Triger
876 |
Numerical modeling of the effect of powerful laser radiation on plasma N. E. Andreev, S. L. Leshkevich, V. T. Tihonchyuk, V. E. Fortov
884 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Determination of enthalpy of formation of gaseous uranium pentafluoride M. I. Nikitin, V. I. Tsirel'nikov
891 |
$P,\,\rho,\,T,\,x$-properties and virial coefficients of the binary system water–n-hexane I. M. Abdulagatov, A. R. Bazaev, A. È. Ramazanova
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A mass-spectrometric investigation of ion-molecule equilibria in $\mathrm{RbI},\,\mathrm{AgI}$ and $\mathrm{RbAg}_4\mathrm{I}_5$ vapors. Enthalpies of formation of ions A. M. Pogrebnoi, L. S. Kudin, G. G. Burdukovskaya
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Effect of real wetting conditions on the hysteresis of the contact angle of drops V. G. Popov
915 |
Investigation of the melting and solidification temperatures of magnesia during radiant heating with a $\mathrm{CO}_2$ laser G. E. Val'yano, A. Yu. Vorob'ev, V. A. Petrov, V. E. Titov, A. P. Chernyshov
923 |
Limited-growth model of crystalline grains for describing the kinetics of pyrocarbon formation. II. Numerical results A. O. Erkimbaev, A. M. Semenov
929 |
High-temperature kinetic properties of explosively welded bimetallic contacts of metals in the titanium subgroup I. G. Korshunov
935 |
Temperature-dependence of the Hooge "constant" for flicker noise in systems with Joule thermal emission Yu. S. Levitan, O. A. Sinkevich
939 |
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Study of intensive vaporization of a drop of a water aerosol during laser heating with allowance for thermal expansion A. V. Butkovskii
947 |
Mass transfer in spiral channels under steam-generating conditions V. S. Polonskii, A. P. Batalo
952 |
Jet cooling of heated surfaces by a flow of a drop aerosol Yu. A. Buevich, V. N. Mankevich, K. N. Agafonov
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Laws of heat transfer in a bubble layer A. A. Avdeev
966 |
Method for solving the radiation transfer equation in nonuniform scattering and selectively absorbing media I. V. Degtyarev
975 |
Calculation of the scattering and absorbing characteristics of spherical particles in high-temperature flows O. S. Vaulina, A. P. Nefedov, O. F. Petrov
983 |
Complex mathematical modeling of the interaction of high-temperature two-phase flows with carbon-graphite heat shield materials V. A. Burakov, N. A. Obukhov, R. K. Faizullin, S. F. Sandu, S. M. Alatortsev
992 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Two-dimensional calculations on mixing and radiation transport in wall cooling films in hydrocarbon combustion chambers A. A. Kopotev, A. D. Rekin
1002 |
Condensed-phase characteristics in the working body in a pulsed MHD generator V. A. Gomozov, Z. I. Matveenko, V. P. Panchenko, L. S. Shurygina
1006 |
Enhanced boiling heat exchange Yu. V. Polezhaev, S. A. Kovalev
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Short Communications
Диэлектрическая проницаемость и тормозное излучение плотной плазмы F. B. Baimbetov, T. S. Ramazanov
1025 |
Влияние теплофизических свойств материала катода на величину катодного падения потенциала в дуговом разряде A. E. Balanovskiy, N. A. Nesterenko
1029 |
Теплофизические и структурные свойства жидкой системы алюминий–медь–магний V. V. Tekuchev, V. I. Stremousov
1031 |
Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Гидродинамика разлета продуктов электрического взрыва проводников. Постановка задачи и методы решения (№ 1448-В92 Деп. от 29.04.1992) V. P. Volkov, V. N. Gavrilov, E. A. Litvinov
1035 |