Plasma Investigations
The determination of recombination rate constants for electrons with ions from the results of ballistic experiments A. N. Pilyugin, N. N. Pilyugin, S. G. Tikhomirov
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Peculiarities of the propagation of shock and heat waves generated by a discharge in an external magnetic field O. A. Omarov, Sh. Sh. El'darov, I. V. Yakubov
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High-speed plasma jets in air: the parameters of a pulsed plasma jet injected by a cumulative plasma generator into the atmosphere A. P. Ershov, I. Kh. Imad, I. B. Timofeev, S. N. Chuvashev, V. M. Shibkov, U. Yusupaliev
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Kramers–Kronig relations for the dielectric permeability of classical plasma and the spectrum of plasma oscillation E. A. Allakhyarov, V. B. Bobrov
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Moving plasma pinch in an electric field O. A. Sinkevich
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The distribution functions of clusters B. M. Smirnov
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
The prediction of phase equilibria of hydrocarbon $+$ alcohol $+$ water systems Kh. S. Abdulkadirova
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Thermal diffusivity of nonquantum inert gases in a wide neighborhood of the critical point F. M. Gumerov, A. N. Sabirzyanov, R. N. Maksudov, A. G. Usmanov
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Experimental investigation of the caloric properties of zirconium-based reactor materials: the E-110 alloy V. E. Lyusternik, V. E. Peletskii, I. I. Petrova
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The density of vanadium and chromium at high temperatures S. V. Stankus
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Kinetics of pyrocarbon film formation with a simultaneous growth of layers Kh. M. Agaev, A. O. Erkimbaev, N. Yu. Petrina, A. M. Semenov
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer under conditions of forced flow of a gas mixture in the channel of variable cross section with chemical condensation on the walls V. I. Mika, V. V. Ryabin
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Dynamics of pressure during pulsed heat release in a channel with coolant B. G. Pokusaev, E. A. Tairov, D. V. Khudyakov
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Calculation of turbulent friction and heat transfer using the modified surface renovation model Yu. B. Zudin
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Various types of equilibrium of an oscillating vapor bubble S. N. Syromyatnikov
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The transport effect of apparent mass in a flow of boiling liquid A. I. Nakorchevskii, S. I. Gulyi
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The knockout of secondary droplets from the surface of a film (droplet carryover) in dispersed-film flows B. I. Nigmatulin, V. V. Guguchkin, N. I. Vasil'ev, Yu. P. Arestenko
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Modeling heat and mass transfer in evaporative thermal insulation under two-side heating of a protected structure I. N. Bobrov, A. P. Kuryachii
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Radiative transfer in inhomogeneous scattering and selectively absorbing media I. V. Degtyarev
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Procedure for calculating the thermal destruction of plasticized carbon under the effect of intensive infrared radiation L. A. Dombrovskii, È. P. Yukina, A. V. Kolpakov, V. A. Ivanov
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On the theory of the generalized kinetic Boltzmann equation B. V. Alekseev
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A method of solving the problem of heat transfer between two cylinders at arbitrary Knudsen numbers I. N. Ivchenko, S. K. Loyalka, R. V. Thompson
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
The setup for determining the absorption coefficient by the method of temperature waves A. Yu. Vorob'ev, A. V. Galaktionov, V. A. Petrov, V. E. Titov, A. P. Chernyshov
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The method of two rotating spheres in studying spectral hemispherical reflectivities in the infrared region under the effect of concentrated fluxes of energy T. P. Salikhov, V. V. Kan
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Plasmodynamic discharge in the channels of magnetoplasma accelerators with different directions of current supply O. V. Fat'yanov, V. E. Ostashev, E. F. Lebedev
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Experimental investigations into the operation of compact magnetoexplosive generators with magnetic flux interception Yu. V. Karpushin, A. A. Leont'ev, V. B. Mintsev, A. E. Ushnurtsev, V. E. Fortov
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Short Communications
Vibrational reaction in a solution of anthracene in methanol, photoinduced by laser radiation $(\lambda = 337.1$ nm$)$ E. I. Asinovskii, V. V. Markovets
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The simulation of shock wave propagation in a gas discharge developing in nitrogen N. Yu. Babaeva, A. Kh. Mnatsakanyan, G. V. Najdis
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Molecular-dynamic simulation of crystallization in Lennard-Jones liquid O. S. Trushin, V. S. Stepanyuk, A. A. Katsnel'son
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The investigation of thermal properties of fiber systems A. L. Kalabin
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The photophoresis of moderately small particles in an approximation of the kinetic ellipsoidal statistical model A. B. Poddoskin
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Simulation of line emission propagation in light-scattering volumes S. T. Surzhikov
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The evaluation of fireproof properties of light-scattering coatings V. A. Tovstonog
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The possibility of determining attainable overheat temperatures of condensed materials with nonpolymeric structures by using contact heaters O. F. Shlenskii, D. N. Yundev
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