Plasma Investigations
Electronic parameters of a plasma produced by an electron beam in low-pressure helium R. R. Arslanbekov, A. A. Kudryavtsev, Yu. A. Piotrovskii, Yu. A. Tolmachev
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Volt-ampere characteristics of a cylindrical Langmuir probe in a slowly moving plasma form high probe potentials A. V. Kashevarov
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Investigation of the instability of non-self-maintained microwave discharge in nitrogen–oxygen mixtures N. A. Popov
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Heat transfer and resistance of a spherical metal particle in a rarefied plasma flow with cold ions A. G. Gnedovets, A. V. Gusarov, A. A. Uglov
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On the nature of artificial ball lightnings. Part 1: Investigation of the structure and physical properties of polymer plasmoids in the atmosphere V. L. Bychkov, A. Yu. Gridin, A. I. Klimov
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Experimental investigation of the thermal conductivity of liquid ternary mixtures of $n$-heptane–$n$-octane–isooctane under high pressures J. Ya. Naziev
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Measurements of reduced absorption index in far wings of $\mathrm{Na}$–$\mathrm{D}$ lines in $\mathrm{H}_2$/$\mathrm{O}_2$/$\mathrm{H}_2\mathrm{O}$ flame A. V. Mokhov, A. P. Nefedov, A. D. Usachev
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Quartz-fiber thermal insulation: Calculation of spectral radiation characteristics in the infrared region L. A. Dombrovskii
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Multicomponent X-ray protective materials: An analytical study with allowance for fluorescence reradiation G. Ya. Belov, V. N. Kirillov, V. G. Belov
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Investigation of the effect of vibrational excitation of molecules on the kinetics of combustion of an $\mathrm{H}_2+\mathrm{O}_2$ mixture N. G. Dautov, A. M. Starik
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
High-intensity laser radiation heating of homogeneous and hollow particles of alumina L. G. Astaf'eva, A. P. Prishivalko
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Motion of a large-scale turbulent thermal in a stratified atmosphere A. V. Konyukhov, M. V. Meshcherjakov, S. V. Utyuzhnikov
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Calculation of supersonic turbulent flow past blunt bodies using complete equations for the viscous shock layer N. N. Pilyugin, R. F. Talipov, G. A. Tirskii, S. V. Utyuzhnikov
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Heat transfer from a spherical cavity located on a rectangular channel wall V. I. Terekhov, S. V. Kalinina, Yu. M. Mshvidobadze
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Investigation of interface oscillation and of the mechanism of heat transfer under conditions of film boiling B. I. Nigmatulin, Yu. A. Kuzma-Kichta, N. A. Bulkina, A. K. Ustinov, A. S. Moloshnikov, V. S. Rychlik
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Theory of homogeneous nucleation with size correction D. I. Zhukhovitskiĭ
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The accuracy of approximate analytic calculation of homogeneous condensation and the importance of particle heating M. V. Brykin, K. G. Garnisov
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The theory of thermophoresis of a cylindrical aerosol particle in a moderately rarefied gas Yu. I. Yalamov, R. A. Safiullin
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Параметры радиационно-кондуктивного теплопереноса в режиме сильной теплопроводности. Влияние рассеяния и граничных условий S. V. Stepanov
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Singularities of gas flow behind a shock wave in the presence of a longitudinal layer of particles T. R. Amanbaev
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Closed-cycle MHD generator with self-sustaining heat convection flows V. V. Glazkov, O. A. Sinkevich
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Origination of return flows in an optical plasma generator under conditions of radiative combustion of discharge S. T. Surzhikov
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The use of supercritical fluids in various extraction processes I. M. Abdulagatov, Kh. C. Abdulkadyrova, M. N. Dadashev
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Short Communications
Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of $\mathrm{K}_2\mathrm{As}_4\mathrm{O}_{11}$ and $\mathrm{KAs}_3\mathrm{O}_8$ in the temperature range of $298.15$–$673$ К B. K. Kasenov, K. S. Mustafin
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The thermal conductivity of carbon-filled plastics during one-sided radiation heating K. B. Isaev
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Calculation of the coefficient of effective thermal conductivity of an aerodispersed system Yu. I. Yalamov, M. N. Gaidukov, V. V. Levin
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Radiation fluxes on the walls of long channels under conditions of radiative-convective heat transfer I. G. Zaltsman, V. K. Shikov
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