Plasma Investigations
An experimental and theoretical investigation of the properties of surface electron-beam nitrogen plasma V. L. Bychkov, M. N. Vasil'ev, A. P. Zuev
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The space distribution of the parameters of glow discharge in a flow of electrically negative gas R. Sh. Basirov, F. M. Gaisin, A. M. Minnigulov, B. A. Timerkaev
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The determination of the rates of electron attachment to aluminum oxides from the results of ballistic experiments N. N. Pilyugin
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The parameters of a cathode-directed streamer plasma in air: The effect on current and propagation velocity A. È. Bazelyan, E. M. Bazelyan
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
The structure factor of liquid metals for small wave vectors and the one-component plasma model E. A. Allakhyarov, V. B. Bobrov, S. A. Triger
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Charge transfer in melts of the $\mathrm{Tl}$–$\mathrm{Te}$–$\mathrm{Se}$ ternary system B. I. Kazandzhan, V. M. Matveev
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Study of the thermal conductivity in multicomponent mixtures of hydrocarbons for high parameters of state J. Ya. Naziev
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Unsteady conjugate heat transfer in a turbulent liquid flow in a channel N. S. Safarova, E. M. Khabakhpasheva
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An analysis of turbulent-boundary-layer characteristics at the onset of flow separation in a diffuser channel S. S. Dmitriev
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A study of the formation of a compressible nonisothermal dynamic boundary layer on an impermeable plate S. V. Puzach
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Combined radiative-conductive heat transfer in high-temperature fibrous heat insulation of reusable orbital space vehicles A. V. Galaktionov, V. A. Petrov, S. V. Stepanov
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The influence of oblique waves on the stability of laminar boundary layer on a cooled surface V. M. Fomichev, Yu. I. Bublikov
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An increase in the amplitude of pressure waves in a vapor–liquid mixture with a bubble structure V. E. Nakoryakov, E. S. Vasserman, B. G. Pokusaev, N. A. Pribaturin
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Calculating the influence of the thermoelectric effect on motion in a liquid-semiconductor film E. D. Èidel'man
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Expansion of gas into vacuum for different equations of state V. N. Gavrilov, E. A. Litvinov
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A generalization of the results of enhancement of heat transfer in channels with porous inserts V. V. Kharitonov, Yu. N. Kiseleva, V. V. Atamanov, Yu. A. Zeigarnik, F. P. Ivanov
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The energy equation for processes of heat and mass transfer and phase transformations in porous bodies I. N. Bobrov, A. P. Kuryachii
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Methods of determining the thermophysical properties of conducting anisotropic materials at temperatures of $1400$–$3000$ К S. I. Fokin, O. A. Sinkevich, V. N. Kirillov
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Optical diagnostics of the conversion of coal particles in a flow of plasma of combustion products A. B. Kondrat'ev, A. P. Nefedov, O. F. Petrov, A. A. Samaryan
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Nonideal cluster plasma D. I. Zhukhovitskiĭ
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Short Communications
Laser beam refraction in plasma vortex A. F. Galkin, V. N. Kunin, L. V. Furov
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The generalized equation of state for solution of the sunflower oil–$n$-hехапе system M. M. Safarov, Z. Abduhamidova
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