Plasma Investigations
Singularities of electromagnetic field and their manifestations during simulation of electric contact between conducting bodies in an electrodynamic railgun accelerator M. P. Galanin, V. V. Savichev
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Investigation of the processes of destruction of freon-113 in a nanosecond corona discharge R. A. Akhmedzhanov, A. L. Vikharev, A. M. Gorbachev, O. A. Ivanov, A. L. Kolysko
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Enthalpy and entropy of normal alkanes B. A. Grigor'ev, A. A. Gerasimov
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$P$–$V$–$T$ measurements of $n$-decane–$\mathrm{CO}_2$ binary system N. G. Polikhronidi, R. G. Batyrova
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Thermodynamic model of the process of displacement of hydrocarbon raw material from a porous collector with the aid of near- and supercritical fluids I. M. Abdulagatov, M. G. Alishayev, G. M. Abasov
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The theory of barothermic effect in liquids with due regard for the heat conductivity in the one-dimensional case A. I. Filippov, G. F. Efimova
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Steady-state natural-convection heat transfer in a cylindrical tank under conditions of uniform heat supply and simultaneous heat removal through local sinks L. A. Moiseeva, S. G. Cherkasov
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Nonlinear aspects of the problem of propagation of temperature waves S. V. Stepanov
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The use of the model of evaporating macrolayer for determining the characteristics of nucleate boiling Yu. B. Zudin
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Heat radiation of large-scale oxygen-hydrogen fireballs. Investigation of calculation models S. T. Surzhikov
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Consistent inclusion of turbulent diffusion and analysis of spread in calculated values
of the rate of precipitation of passive impurity in the case of high molecular Schmidt numbers V. M. Kovalenko, D. I. Lamden, I. L. Mostinskii
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Parametric analysis of the thermal conditions of a porous wall under penetration cooling Yu. V. Polezhaev, A. F. Polyakov
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Special Features of heat exchange and thermal contact resistance during crystallization
of thin strips of aluminium alloys on copper and steel substrates I. K. Ermolaev, V. G. Puzach, S. V. Puzach
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Optical ultraviolet gas analyzer for monitoring the $\mathrm{NO}$ and $\mathrm{SO}_2$ contents A. V. Zobnin, A. P. Nefedov, V. A. Sinel'shchikov, Sh. M. Vong, D. D. Li, Yu. K. Shchyu
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
A facility for studying the thermal conductivity of porous heat-insulating materials V. N. Anan'ev, I. M. Baskin, L. Ya. Paderin
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Experimental and numerical investigation of Pamir-06 solid (powder) propellant-fired diagonal MHD generator L. A. Bukhteev, R. V. Dogadaev, L. A. Koroleva, B. M. Martynov, V. P. Panchenko, A. A. Yakushev
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in a melt film during the manufacture of mineral fibers by the briquet technology M. I. Shilyaev, V. È. Borzykh, S. N. Postnikov
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Comparison of the characteristics of Faraday and series-Faraday channels for pulsed MHD generators G. P. Bazarov
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Long-lived plasma formations and problems associated with ball lightning O. A. Sinkevich
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Short Communications
Similarity between high-frequency flame and breakdown wave E. I. Asinovskii, V. V. Markovets
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Inhomogeneities of a powerful air arc at the stage of its formation E. A. Azizov, S. A. Kravchenko, I. Ya. Shipuk, V. A. Yagnov
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Singular states of matter and their classification I. I. Novikov
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Equation of state for mixtures based on the perturbation theory within isobaric-isothermal ensemble. Margules equation V. M. Sysoev, I. A. Fakhretdinov
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Dimensionality of physical space V. A. Rabinovich, Yu. E. Sheludyak
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The effect of a phase transition on the slip velocity of an inhomogeneous multicomponent gas mixture E. I. Alekhin, I. N. Golovkina, Yu. I. Yalamov
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Evaluation of the error of the $P_1$ approximation in calculations of thermal radiation transfer in optically inhomogeneous media L. A. Dombrovskii
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