Plasma Investigations
The corona discharge in nuclear excited plasma as a way of obtaining ordered dust particle structures O. A. Sinkevich, L. V. Deputatova, V. S. Filinov, V. E. Fortov, V. N. Naumkin, V. I. Vladimirov, V. I. Meshakin, V. A. Rykov
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Two regimes of nanofocusing of the surface plasmon-polariton wave at the vertex of the metal micropoint A. B. Petrin
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A positive column of electric discharge in a transverse magnetic field D. K. Ul'yanov, K. N. Ulyanov
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Influence of addition of $\mathrm{Ar}$ and $\mathrm{He}$ on the $\mathrm{HCl}$ plasma parameters and composition A. M. Efremov, A. V. Yudina, V. I. Svetsov
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Density and surface tension polytherms of gallium-lead melts V. P. Chentsov, A. G. Mozgovoi, V. G. Shevchenko, A. I. Kiselev
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The speed of sound of $n$-heptane, $n$-octane and their binary mixtures at temperatures $T=293.15$ to $523.15$ K and pressures up to $60$ MPa V. G. Gasanov
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Thermophysical parameters of cesium in the supercritical range L. A. Blagonravov, A. V. Soboleva, N. I. Bogdanov
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Anharmonicity in the $\mathrm{V_2O_3}$ molecule and thermodynamic properties of $\mathrm{V_2O_3}$ in the gas phase A. V. Gusarov, E. L. Osina
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Computer simulation of liquid zinc D. K. Belashchenko
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Development of a diffusion-inertia model for calculating bubble turbulent flows: Isothermal monodispersed flow in a vertical pipe L. I. Zaichik, R. V. Mukin, L. S. Mukina, V. F. Strizhov, A. S. Filippov
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The nature of microbubble emission under subcooled water boiling Yu. A. Zeigarnik, D. N. Platonov, K. A. Khodakov, Yu. L. Shekhter
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Modeling of boiling of subcooled water and ethanol under conditions of pulsed heat generation in a wall B. G. Pokusaev, D. A. Nekrasov, E. A. Tairov
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Free-convective heat transfer within a differentially heated vertical plane during additional heat supply through a bottom wall V. V. Terekhov, V. I. Terekhov
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Evolution of the temperature field at the three-dimensional wave front in a heated liquid film E. A. Chinnov, E. N. Shatskii, O. A. Kabov
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Simplified film model of a heat transfer crisis in tubes A. A. Ivashkevich
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One method of reception of the exact analytical decision of the hyperbolic equation of heat conductivity on the basis of use of orthogonal methods V. A. Kudinov, I. V. Kudinov
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Computation of hypersonic flow and radiation of viscous chemically reacting gas in a channel modeling a section of a scramjet D. V. Kotov, S. T. Surzhikov
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Measuring of temporal characteristics of intense optical radiation A. O. Pak, N. G. Kokodii
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Singlet delta oxygen concentration and the main process of its decrease in the afterglow of a DC discharge in oxygen flow A. A. Shepelenko, N. V. Kupryaev, P. A. Mikheyev
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Тематический указатель тома 49, 2011 г.
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Авторский указатель тома 49, 2011 г.
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