Mathematical Control Theory
Algorithm to solve the optimal stopping problem with finite horizon V. M. Khametov, E. A. Shelemekh, E. Yasonov
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Information Technology Applications in Control
Finite multisets as patterns in columns-based intelligent systems A. Chesnokov
23 |
Network-based models in Control
Some principles and approaches to construction of group cognitive maps Z. K. Avdeeva, S. V. Kovriga
37 |
Friendship and commenting relations of Facebook users D. A. Gubanov, A. G. Chkhartishvili
69 |
Control in Social and Economic Systems
Stochastic models of mob control V. V. Breer, D. A. Novikov, A. D. Rogatkin
85 |
Efficient construction of “activity-on-arrow” project schedule with minumal number of fictive activities I. Postovalova
118 |
Control in Medicine, Biology, and Ecology
Efficiency analysis for nature restoration projects in ecologo-economic system of volga hpp and volga-akhtuba floodplain A. A. Voronin, A. Vasilchenko, S. S. Khrapov, E. O. Agafonnikova
133 |
Control in Technology and Process Control
Decision support algorithm for fire-risk situations elimination in industry D. Tupikov, A. F. Rezchikov, V. A. Ivaschenko
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