On an inverse problem for the multidimensional equation mixed type of the first kind of the second order with periodic conditions S. Z. Djamalov
10 |
Nonlocal boundary-value problem for the generalized Āller–Lykov moisture transport equation S. Kh. Gekkieva
19 |
About one boundary task for the parabolo-hyperbolic equation of the fourth order in pentagonal area M. Mamajonov
29 |
About one class of boundary tasks for the equation of the fourth order of parabolo-hyperbolic type in pentagonal area S. M. Mamajonov
40 |
Uniqueness of a solution to the Dirichlet problem for a multidimensional fractional partial differential equation O. Kh. Masaeva
50 |
A priori estimates of the solution boundary value problems for the convection-diffusion equation of fractional order E. M. Shogenova
54 |
On Neumann problem for equation with fractional derivatives with different starting points L. M. Èneeva
61 |
Model of calculation of volume electrization of high-resistance dielectrics in space V. V. Bogdanov
66 |
Criteria for the stress-strain state of the medium and the power law of relaxation G. M. Vodinchar, A. S. Perezhogin
90 |
The cloud droplets evolution in view of the impact of fractal environment: mathematical modeling T. S. Kumykov
97 |
The main pipelines in the urban water supply network: mathematical modeling and computer design V. Ch. Kudaev, B. K. Buzdov
109 |
Estimation of motion parameters of an object managed by a distributed accelerometric system D. B. Litvin, I. P. Shepet, A. Ya. Simonovskii
117 |
Approximation of a nonlinear parabolic filtering equation with a loaded mixed-type equation L. I. Serbina
127 |
Model of some predictive anomalies in the field of subsoil radon of earthquakes with $M \geq 5.5$ in Kamchatka peninsula E. O. Makarov, P. P. Firstov
133 |
A solution with nonlocal effect to the Steiner problem in networks M. A. Bagov
148 |
Algorithm for constructing the basic graph for optimum flow network synthesis problem M. A. Bagov, L. V. Skorikova
158 |
Numerical solution for fractional Haller equation Ph. A. Karova
166 |
Rank optimization for flow networks V. Ch. Kudaev, M. B. Abazokov
178 |
Synthesis of natural object models according to observation data V. Yu. Osipov, A. I. Vodyakho, A. B. Tristanov, N. A. Zhukova, O. O. Lukovenkova
186 |
Optimization of adaptive matching pursuit method to analyze geoacoustic emission signals O. O. Lukovenkova, Yu. V. Marapulets, A. B. Tristanov, A. A. Kim, I. A. Kashutina
197 |
A priori estimate of the solution of a boundary problem with the condition of Samara for the generalized third-order equation with multiple characteristics A. M. Shkhagapsoev
208 |
Layout for automated software-hardware complex for geophysical signal on-line monitoring, identification and analysis I. A. Larionov, E. I. Malkin, Yu. V. Marapulets, M. A. Mishenko, A. A. Solodchuk
213 |
Organization of metrological assurance on the Kamchatka seismic network Yu. F. Shevchenko
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