Вычислительные методы и приложения
A finite-difference scheme for computing axisymmetric plasma oscillations A. V. Popov, E. V. Chizhonkov
1 |
Error estimation in linear inverse problems with prior information Yu. M. Korolev, A. G. Yagola
14 |
Application of the integro-interpolation method to the construction of single-step lattice Boltzmann schemes G. V. Krivovichev
19 |
Optimization of trading strategies by parallel evolutionary computation on graphics processing units O. G. Monakhov
28 |
Application of heterogeneous computing systems for solving the hydraulic conductivity identification problem A. V. Elesin, A. Sh. Kadyrova
33 |
Application of heterogeneous computing systems for solving the problem of fluid flow by domain decomposition methods A. V. Tsepaev
38 |
Peculiarities of exaflops computing in plasma physics V. A. Vshivkov, A. V. Snytnikov
44 |
A method of restoring the aerosol particle size distribution function on the set of piecewise-convex functions Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, D. V. Luk'yanenko, A. G. Yagola
49 |
Finite-difference and projection-difference schemes for the unsteady motion of a viscous weakly compressible gas K. A. Zhukov, A. V. Popov
67 |
Knot insertion and knot removal matrices for nonpolynomial splines A. A. Makarov
74 |
Application of the subhierarchic method in electrodynamic problems M. Yu. Medvedik
87 |
A scheme for evaluating the Boltzmann collision integral E. A. Malkov, M. S. Ivanov
98 |
Load balancing of processors when solving the problems of fluid and gas mechanics by mesh methods K. N. Volkov
107 |
Three-dimensional simulations of two-phase liquid-vapor systems on GPU using the lattice Boltzmann method A. L. Kupershtokh
130 |
On approximate open boundary conditions and their performance over long time intervals A. R. Maikov
139 |
A regularized differential extraproximal method for finding an equilibrium in two-person saddle-point games F. P. Vasil'ev, A. S. Antipin, L. A. Artem'eva
149 |
An iterative method for computing the flows of a viscoplastic Bingham medium L. V. Muravleva, E. A. Muravleva
161 |
A numerical method of parameter reconstruction in the Fitz-Hugh–Nagumo and Aliev–Panfilov models I. A. Pavelchak
172 |
Application of graphic processors for the numerical simulation of viscous incompressible fluid flows in domains of complex geometry by the immersed boundary method E. A. Mortikov
177 |
Application of projection methods for studying the waveguide and resonance structures with singularities A. I. Erokhin
192 |
Methods of steepest and hypodifferential descent in one problem of calculus of variations G. Sh. Tamasyan
197 |
Stationary distribution of product of matrices with random coefficients E. A. Illarionov, D. D. Sokoloff, V. N. Tutubalin
218 |
Solution of the optimal ship route problem in the framework of the OKEAN geoinformation system B. N. Ivanov
226 |
Supercomputer technologies in the development of methods for solving inverse problems in ultrasound tomography A. V. Goncharsky, S. Yu. Romanov
235 |
Speedup of computation when solving the nonhomogeneous diffusion equation by a renormalization method S. S. Makarov, A. V. Isaeva, E. A. Grachev, M. L. Serdobol'skaya
239 |
On restoration of noisy signals by a regularization method V. A. Morozov
247 |
Supercomputer modeling of semiconductor quantum nanosystems O. A. Tkachenko, V. A. Tkachenko
253 |
Efficient numerical methods for the analysis of electromagnetic fields D. Yu. Knyaz'kov
263 |
Mathematical modeling of radiative electron emission using hybrid supercomputers M. E. Zhukovskii, R. V. Uskov
271 |
High performance computing in modeling the dynamics and seismicity of tectonic plate systems L. A. Mel'nikova, V. L. Rozenberg
280 |
Parallel implementation of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of shallow water basins on supercomputing systems A. I. Sukhinov, A. E. Chistyakov
290 |
The making of tools for the development of computational models for the modeling of thermohydraulic processes in nuclear reactors with a liquid-metal heat carrier A. V. Osipov
1 |
Organization of quantum chemical computations using the Firefly package in a heterogeneous grid environment on the basis of the BOINC platform E. E. Ivashko, N. N. Nikitina
8 |
Implementation of the lattice Boltzmann method on GPU clusters D. A. Bikulov, D. S. Senin, D. S. Demin, A. V. Dmitriev, N. E. Grachev
13 |
Application of high performance computing platforms to tomographic particle image velocimetry V. A. Lozhkin, Yu. A. Lozhkin, M. P. Tokarev
20 |
Parallelization technology for solving multiparameter inverse problems of chemical kinetics I. M. Gubaydullin, Yu. B. Lind, K. F. Koledina
28 |
Ab initio molecular dynamics: application perspectives of multi-CPU and hybrid supercomputers P. A. Zhilyaev, V. V. Stegailov
37 |