Preface A. M. Vershik
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Vladimir Fedorovich Lazutkin
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List of publications by V. F. Lazutkin
13 |
Remembering V. F. Lazutkin V. M. Babich, S. Yu. Slavyanov
23 |
Splitting of separatrices for the Chirikov standard map V. F. Lazutkin
25 |
Billiards and nonholonomic distributions Y. Baryshnikov, V. Zharnitsky
56 |
Generalized coherent states: a novel approach V. V. Borzov, E. V. Damaskinsky
65 |
A stable foliation to infinity in the phase space of the Hénon map V. L. Chernov
72 |
Space stereoscopic observatory project M. S. Chubey, G. I. Eroshkin, V. V. Pashkevich
80 |
Exponentially small splitting of separatrices for whiskered tori in Hamiltonian systems A. Delshams, P. Gutiérrez
87 |
Creating transverse homoclinic connections in planar billiards V. J. Donnay
122 |
Twistless tori near low order resonances H. R. Dullin, A. V. Ivanov
135 |
Recent results on the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam problem L. Galgani, A. Giorgilli
145 |
On two-dimensional area-preserving maps with homoclinic tangencies that have infinitely many generic elliptic periodic points S. V. Gonchenko, L. P. Shilnikov
155 |
On bifurcations of three-dimensional diffeomorphisms with a homoclinic tangency to a “neutral” saddle fixed point V. S. Gonchenko, I. I. Ovsyannikov
167 |
Resonant phenomena in slowly irregular rectangular waveguides A. P. Itin, A. I. Neishtadt, A. A. Vasil'ev
173 |
Special function related to the scattering of the whispering gallery mode at the point of local straightening A. Ya. Kazakov
180 |
On Hamiltonian systems with homoclinic orbit to a saddle-center O. Yu. Koltsova
187 |
Weak convergence of measures in conservative systems V. V. Kozlov, D. V. Treschev
194 |
Two-dimensional chaos: the baker map under control Yu. A. Kuperin, D. A. Pyatkin
206 |
Embedded spectrum on a metric graph (an observation) V. L. Oleinik, B. S. Pavlov
215 |
Violation of symmetry in the system of three laterally coupled quantum waveguides and resonance asymptotics I. Yu. Popov, S. V. Frolov
221 |
Cartesian approach for nonholonomic systems R. Ramirez, N. Sadovskaia
228 |
Inverse cascade solutions of the Euler equations A. I. Shnirel'man
238 |
Integral equations of Fredholm type with rapidly varying kernels and their relationship to dynamic systems S. Yu. Slavyanov
245 |
Small islands of stability in the phase space of the Carleson map N. V. Svanidze
250 |
The Andronov–Hopf bifurcation with $2:1$ resonance D. Yu. Volkov
259 |
Hyperbolic structure for the quadratic map E. V. Volkov
266 |
On exponentially small effects in dynamical systems with a small parameter O. È. Zubelevich
273 |
List of participants of the Workshop on Differential Equations dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Lazutkin, Saint-Petersburg, August 18–20, 2002
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List of reports presented at the Workshop on Differential Equations dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Lazutkin the texts of which are not included in this volume
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