An approximate method for solving the linear time-optimal problem V. A. Sokol, N. T. Tynyanskii
277 |
A method of weakening the constraints in constrained extremum problems È. I. Volynskii, S. I. Kas'yanenko, M. Z. Khenkin
289 |
Monotonicity with respect to functional of an iterative algorithm for the block problem with random parameters Yu. A. Belov
298 |
The stability of a design process V. V. Fedorov
306 |
Mathematical analysis of a class of population dynamics models M. I. Stronina
316 |
Difference schemes for quasilinear elliptic equations R. Z. Dautov, A. V. Lapin, A. D. Lyashko
334 |
On the asymptotic stability of some efficient difference schemes G. Stoyan
350 |
A standard procedure for integrating a system of quasi-linear partial differential equations of hyperbolic type V. V. Nekrasov
359 |
Application of exact difference schemes to the estimation of the rate of convergence for the method of lines V. L. Makarov, A. A. Samarskii
371 |
Uniqueness theorems for some inverse problems of heat transfer N. V. Muzylev
388 |
A variational approach to the construction of difference schemes on curvilinear meshes for the heat-conduction equation T. K. Korshija, V. F. Tishkin, A. P. Favorskii, M. Yu. Shashkov
401 |
On the rate of convergence of the projection-difference scheme with a splitting operator for parabolic equations A. A. Zlotnik
422 |
Approximate solution of the theory of plastic flow for media subject to Coulomb's yield criterion V. G. Korneev
433 |
Numerical investigation of the problem of a laser discharge in a dense gas V. I. Mazhukin, A. A. Uglov, B. N. Chetverushkin
451 |
Rigorous solution of the problem of plane wave diffraction by a periodic structure with impedance boundary conditions G. Ya. Slepyan
461 |
Singularities on wave fronts arising at diffraction on a polyhedron A. F. Filippov
471 |
Additive representation of characteristics of layered media and questions of uniqueness of the solutions of inverse problems V. B. Glasko, Yu. I. Khudak
482 |
Numerical solution of direct and inverse problem of MHD-equilibrium with surface current P. N. Vabishchevich, L. M. Degtyarev, Yu. Yu. Poshekhonov
491 |
Scientific communications
On stable differentiation of functions T. I. Savelova
501 |
Martin's algorithm and correct cutting planes for integer linear programming A. N. Smirnov, V. N. Shevchenko
505 |
Construction of the maximum cube inscribed in a given domain L. T. Ashchepkov
510 |
Completely conservative difference schemes for a two-dimensional Landau equation I. F. Potapenko, V. A. Chuyanov
513 |
On the problem of control of charged particle beams with account taken of their own charge M. I. Letavin
517 |
Numerical solution of problems using integral equations for wave surface potentials A. A. Gladkov
522 |
Asymptotics of mathematical expectation of the number of steps of an $\varepsilon $-spherical process A. A. Kronberg
528 |
Problem of integral geometry for a family of curves in a circular annulus S. N. Medvedev
531 |
Some numerical results in the problem of the impact of a liquid drop on a solid surface V. Ya. Yakovlev
539 |
Scientific information
News books in mathematics M. K. Kerimov
544 |