Optimal control
Numerical study of high-dimensional optimization problems using a modification of Polyak's method A. N. Andrianov, A. S. Anikin, A. Yu. Gornov
1059 |
Ordinary differential equations
Corporate dynamics in chains of coupled logistic equations with delay S. A. Kaschenko
1070 |
Partial Differential Equations
Local one-dimensional scheme for the first initial-boundary value problem for the multidimensional fractional-order convection–diffusion equation A. A. Alikhanov, M. KH. Beshtokov, M. H. Shhanukov-Lafishev
1082 |
Mathematical physics
Method for modeling of ionospheric parameters and detection of ionospheric disturbances O. V. Mandrikova, Yu. A. Polozov, N. V. Fetisova
1101 |
Computer science
Morphological and other research techniques for almost cyclic time series as applied to CO$_2$ concentration series V. K. Avilov, V. S. Aleshnovskii, A. V. Bezrukova, V. A. Gazaryan, N. A. Zyuzina, Yu. A. Kurbatova, D. A. Tarbaev, A. I. Chulichkov, N. E. Shapkina
1113 |
Dynamic Bayesian networks as a testing tool for fuzzing web applications T. V. Azarnova, P. V. Polukhin
1125 |
Automated method for cosmic ray data analysis and detection of sporadic effects V. V. Geppener, B. S. Mandrikova
1137 |
Prior distribution selection for a mixture of experts A. V. Grabovoy, V. V. Strijov
1149 |
Recognition of a quasi-periodic sequence containing an unknown number of nonlinearly extended reference subsequences A. V. Kel'manov, L. V. Mikhailova, P. S. Ruzankin, S. A. Khamidullin
1162 |
Neural network with smooth activation functions and without bottlenecks is almost surely a Morse function S. V. Kurochkin
1172 |
Metric approach for finding approximate solutions of scheduling problems A. A. Lazarev, D. V. Lemtyuzhnikova, N. A. Pravdivets
1179 |
Tradeoff relation between mutual information and error probability in data classification problem A. M. Lange, M. M. Lange, S. V. Paramonov
1192 |
Approximation of the capacitated vehicle routing problem with a limited number of routes in metric spaces of fixed doubling dimension Yu. Yu. Ogorodnikov, M. Yu. Khachay
1206 |
An approach to statistical simulation of traffic flows V. M. Starozhilets, Yu. V. Chekhovich
1220 |