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Malyshev Dmitriy Sergeevich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2014)

Speciality: 01.01.09 (Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics)
Birth date: 29.10.1985
Keywords: graph problems, computational complexity, extremal classes.
UDC: 519.178, 519.7


Graph theory, theory of computational complexity

Main publications:
  1. Alekseev V. E., Malyshev D. S., “Klassy planarnykh grafov s polinomialno razreshimoi zadachei o nezavisimom mnozhestve”, Diskretn. analiz i issled. oper., 15:1 (2008), 3–10  mathnet
  2. Alekseev V.E., Lozin V.V., Malyshev D.S., Millanic M., “The Maximum Independent Set Problem in Planar Graphs”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5162 (2008), 96–107  crossref  zmath
  3. Alekseev V. E., Malyshev D. S., “Kriterii granichnosti i ego primeneniya”, Diskretnyi analiz i issledovanie operatsii, 15:6 (2008), 3–10  mathnet
  4. Malyshev D. S., “Kontinualnye mnozhestva granichnykh klassov grafov dlya zadach o raskraske”, Diskretnyi analiz i issledovanie operatsii, 16:5 (2009), 41–51  mathnet
  5. Malyshev D. S., “O minimalnykh slozhnykh klassakh grafov”, Diskretnyi analiz i issledovanie operatsii, 16:6 (2009), 43–51  mathnet

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