Специальность ВАК:
01.01.06 (математическая логика, алгебра и теория чисел)
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Основные публикации:
Hammer D., Romashchenko A., Shen A., Vereshchagin N., “Inequalities for Shannon Entropy and Kolmogorov Complexity.”, J. of Comp. and Syst. Sciences., 60 (2000), 442–464
Makarychev K., Makarychev Yu., Romashchenko A., Vereshchagin N., “A New Class of non-Shannon Type Inequalities for Entropies.”, Communications in Information and Systems., 2:2 (2002), 147–166
Romashchenko A., “Extracting the Mutual Information for a Triple of Binary Strings.”, Problems of Information Transmission., 39:1 (2003), 148–157
Durand D., Romashchenko A., Shen A., “Fixed-point tile sets and their applications.”, J. of Comp. and Syst. Sciences., 78:3 (2012), 731–764