01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
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Keywords: Control systems, dynamical systems, control theory, the theory of invariance or viability.
UDC: 517.977, 517.911, 517.93, 517.935, 517.938 MSC: 34A60, 37N35, 49J15, 93B03
Mathematic control theory. Dynamical systems. The stability theory of control systems. The control systems with randon coefficients.
Main publications:
L.I. Rodina, “Prostranstvo $slsv(R^n)$ s metrikoi Khausdorfa–Bebutova i statisticheski invariantnye mnozhestva upravlyaemykh sistem”, Trudy MIAN, 278 (2012), 217–226
L.I. Rodina, “Invariantnye i statisticheski slabo invariantnye mnozhestva upravlyaemykh sistem”, Izv. IMI UdGU, 2012, № 2(40), 3–164