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Morozkin Nikolay Danilovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Metaobject approach for modeling enterprise business processes inside single ERP system

    Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 29:2 (2019),  113–121
  2. Temporomandibular joint stress field calculation

    Mat. Model., 20:6 (2008),  119–128
  3. Mathematical modelling and calculation of pressure field of temporomandibular joint

    Trudy SVMO, 10:1 (2008),  232–241
  4. An iteration method for solving the problem of optimal nonlinear heating with phase constraints

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 40:11 (2000),  1615–1632
  5. Optimal control of one-dimensional heating with phase restrictions

    Mat. Model., 8:3 (1996),  91–110
  6. The convergence of finite-dimensional approximations in the problem of the optimal one-dimensional heating taking phase constraints into account

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 36:10 (1996),  12–22
  7. Optimization of inductive heating of a cylinder with temperature-dependent physical characteristics

    Mat. Model., 7:5 (1995),  87
  8. Time-optimal heating of massive bodies with phase transitions

    Mat. Model., 7:5 (1995),  86

  9. In memory of Spivak Semen Izrailevich

    Zhurnal SVMO, 22:4 (2020),  463–466
  10. To the seventieth anniversary of Vladimir Fedorovich Tishkin

    Zhurnal SVMO, 21:1 (2019),  111–113
  11. On the 80th anniversary of professor E.V. Voskresensky's birthday

    Zhurnal SVMO, 19:4 (2017),  95–99

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