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Kovalyov Mikhail Yakovlevich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Mathematical model and random search algorithm for the optimal planning problem of replacing traditional public transport with electric

    Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2020, no. 5,  41–59
  2. Scientific school of Academician V. S. Tanaev: Results on the scheduling theory

    Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2014, no. 7,  99–121
  3. Approximate solution of the control problem of supplies with many intervals and concave cost functions

    Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2008, no. 7,  90–97
  4. Minimization of the weighted sum of overdue customers in a single-server system

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 31:11 (1991),  1731–1739
  5. The construction of $\varepsilon$-approximate algorithms for the optimization of functions in successively constructed sets

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 26:7 (1986),  1006–1018

  6. Creative heritage of Vyacheslav Sergeevich Tanaev: Seventieth anniversary

    Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2010, no. 10,  6–14

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