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D'yakonov Sergei Nikolaevich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. The effect of the evaporation coefficient and temperature jumps on the thermophoresis of a particle in a binary gas mixture in view of thermodiffusion and stefan effects

    TVT, 41:3 (2003),  439–454
  2. Thermophoresis of an aggregate of two large solid spheres in contact with each other along their center line, part II: Hydrodynamic problem

    TVT, 35:1 (1997),  56–60
  3. Thermophoresis of an aggregate of two large solid spheres in contact with each other along their center line, part I: Thermal problem

    TVT, 35:1 (1997),  50–55
  4. Unsteady motion of a hard sphere in a nonuniformly heated gas under conditions of low Reynolds numbers: Thermal problem. Determining the rate of thermophoresis

    TVT, 34:2 (1996),  250–254
  5. Unsteady motion of a hard sphere in nonuniformly heated gas under conditions of small Reynolds numbers: I. Hydrodynamic problem

    TVT, 34:1 (1996),  40–45

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