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Leonas Vladas Bronislovo

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Calculating high-temperature transfer coefficients on the basis of effective interaction potentials of atomic particles

    TVT, 29:1 (1991),  66–71
  2. Multi-electron secondary emission from solid surface bombarded by fast atomic particles

    UFN, 161:4 (1991),  73–100
  3. A new approach to achieving D–D fusion reactions

    UFN, 160:11 (1990),  135–141
  4. Short-acting potentials and compressibility of noble gases

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 300:4 (1988),  845–849
  5. Models of extreme states of matter and their experimental verification

    UFN, 147:1 (1985),  184–187
  6. High-energy scattering of atoms and molecules

    UFN, 146:1 (1985),  7–34
  7. Detection of oscillatory rainbow for the high-energy scattering of molecules

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 268:2 (1983),  347–350
  8. Observation of the anomalous behavior of the short-range intermolecular potential of the $\mathrm{N}_2$$\mathrm{N}_2$, $\mathrm{CO}$$\mathrm{CO}$ systems

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 261:5 (1981),  1113–1115
  9. Experiments with cold hydrogen atoms

    UFN, 133:4 (1981),  707–728
  10. New methods in molecular beam studies

    UFN, 127:2 (1979),  319–330
  11. Experimental study of short-acting intermolecular forces in hydrogen

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 240:2 (1978),  313–315
  12. Study of ionization in slow collisions of atomic particles

    UFN, 121:4 (1977),  561–592
  13. Experimental study of the helium atom collisions in the ground and $2^3S$ metastable states

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 210:2 (1973),  316–318
  14. Расчет коэффициентов переноса планетных атмосфер, образуемых смесями $\mathrm{CO}_2 - \mathrm{N}_2$

    TVT, 10:5 (1972),  1110–1112
  15. Studies of short-range intermolecular forces

    UFN, 107:1 (1972),  29–56
  16. The determination of intermolecular interaction potentials in the region of small spacing for $\mathrm{CO}_2$, $\mathrm{N}_2\mathrm{O}$, based on beam elastic scattering data

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 201:1 (1971),  53–55
  17. Интегралы столкновении для компонент диссоциированных планетных атмосфер

    TVT, 9:5 (1971),  1066–1068
  18. Investigation of the elastic scattering of chemically active particles

    Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 6:1 (1970),  26–30
  19. Calculation of the transfer coefficients of dissociating air

    TVT, 8:6 (1970),  1302–1304
  20. Some features in the scattering of fast $\mathrm{O}$ and $\mathrm{N}$ atom beams on $\mathrm{NO}$ and $\mathrm{CO}$ molecules

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 180:6 (1968),  1312–1314
  21. Интегралы столкновений для компонент диссоциирующего воздуха

    TVT, 6:1 (1968),  188–190
  22. Interaction potentials of $\mathrm{H}$ and $\mathrm{He}$ atoms and of $\mathrm{H}_2$ molecules

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 173:2 (1967),  306–308
  23. Kinetic properties of air and other gases at high temperatures

    Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 3:2 (1967),  171–187
  24. Кинетические свойства диссоциирующего водорода

    TVT, 5:6 (1967),  1123–1124
  25. Short-range forces of intermolecular interaction between oxygen and nitrogen

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 170:5 (1966),  1039–1040
  26. Excitation of vibrational degrees of freedom upon molecular collisions

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 167:6 (1966),  1280–1282
  27. The study of elementary chemical reactions by the molecular beam method

    Usp. Khim., 35:12 (1966),  2105–2128
  28. Кинетические коэффициенты молекулярного кислорода и азота при высоких температурах

    TVT, 4:5 (1966),  732–733
  29. Методы определения потенциалов взаимодействия атомов, молекул и ионов

    TVT, 4:5 (1966),  710–724
  30. Кинетические коэффициенты благородных газов при высоких температурах

    TVT, 4:2 (1966),  288–289
  31. Potentials of repelling interaction between atoms of noble gases

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 165:6 (1965),  1273–1274
  32. The repelling interaction potentials of noble gas atoms

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 162:4 (1965),  798–800
  33. Energy exchange on collision of molecules with a solid wall

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 6:3 (1965),  71–74
  34. Study of energy transfer during the collision of a molecular stream with a surface

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 6:2 (1965),  84–86
  35. Экспериментальное определение потенциала отталкивательного взаимодействия и кинетические свойства благородных газов при высоких температурах

    TVT, 3:5 (1965),  804–807
  36. The present state and some new results of the molecular-beam method

    UFN, 82:2 (1964),  287–323
  37. Об обмене энергией при столкновении частиц с твердой стенкой

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 4:6 (1963),  124–127
  38. Изучение взаимодействия молекулярного потока со стенкой

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 3:6 (1962),  39–44

  39. Multi-electron emission induced by fast atoms passing through a thin foil

    UFN, 161:4 (1991),  137–141
  40. Research methods using atomic and molecular beams

    UFN, 160:8 (1990),  163–164
  41. Georgii Ivanovich Petrov (Obituary)

    UFN, 153:2 (1987),  365–366
  42. Масс-спектрометрия вторичных ионов

    UFN, 138:4 (1982),  685–686

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