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Panovko Mikhail Yakovlevich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Mathematical simulation of spatial elastohydrodynamical contact with consideration for the outline of an inlet oil meniscus and for single irregularities on the surface

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 353:4 (1997),  488–492
  2. Numerical modeling of $3$-dimensional flows of a viscous incompressible fluid in a channel with a step

    TVT, 27:6 (1989),  1126–1131
  3. Flow of a viscous incompressible fluid and the heat-transfer in a flat channel of arbitrary shape

    TVT, 26:1 (1988),  94–101
  4. Effect of nonuniform conductivity in the boundary layer at the electrode wall on local characteristics of an MHD generator with a diagonal electrode configuration and a subsonic stream

    TVT, 14:1 (1976),  179–190
  5. Experimental determination of the hall parameter from the local characteristics of an MHD generator

    TVT, 13:5 (1975),  1059–1063
  6. Исследование работы секционированных керамических изоляционных стенок канала мгд- генератора

    TVT, 12:3 (1974),  605–613
  7. К вопросу об измерении изоляции в МГД-генераторе в рабочих условиях

    TVT, 10:1 (1972),  157–160

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