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Korotkov Alexander Stanislavovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Design method and manufacturing monolithic microwave integrated circuit switches on GaAs рHEMT

    St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal. Computer Science. Telecommunication and Control Sys, 12:4 (2019),  84–96
  2. A 180-nm CMOS high-linear complex $G_m$-$C$ filter for receivers of satellite navigation systems

    St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal. Computer Science. Telecommunication and Control Sys, 2014, no. 1(188),  45–50
  3. Feedback ultra wideband amplifier with unbalanced input and balanced output

    St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal. Computer Science. Telecommunication and Control Sys, 2014, no. 1(188),  37–44

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025