01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
Phone: +7 (4872) 23 13 78
E-mail: Keywords: graded rings and modules; Morita's theorems; density theorems; equivalence of categories of modules; radicals; superalgebras.
UDC: 512.55, 512.552, 512.554.36 MSC: 16W50, 16W20, 16S90, 17A70, 17B05, 18E40, 16N80, 16D80
The equivalence of rigid subcategories of categories of graded modules was studied, in particular, graded variant of Morita's theorem was obtained. The properties of graded maximal ring of quotients for semiprime ring graded by ordered group was studied. Some characterization of weakly primitive rings graded by semigroup was obtained. Modules are graded by acts with some cancellation conditions over these semigroups.
Main publications:
Balaba I. N., “O slabo primitivnykh graduirovannykh koltsakh”, UMN, 56:6 (2001), 139–140
Balaba I. N., “Ekvivalentnosti Mority kategorii graduirovannykh modulei”, UMN, 42:3 (1987), 177–178
Balaba I. N., “Refleksivnye graduirovannye moduli”, Sb.: Algoritmicheskie problemy teorii grupp i polugrupp, Tula, 1991, 88–96
Balaba I. N., “Koltsa chastnykh polupervichnykh graduirovannykh kolets”, Sb. trudov mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii «Universalnaya algebra i ee prilozheniya», Volgograd, 2000, 21–28