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Stelmashchuk Sergey Valer'evich
Associate professor
Candidate of technical sciences (2003)

Speciality: 05.13.18 (Mathematical modelling, calculating methods, and the program systems)
Birth date: 25.12.1972
Keywords: design, setting, regulator, identification, direct quality rating, simulation modeling.


1. Design of regulator on direct quality rating
2. Setting regulator using experimental data
3. Identification of control object
4. Simulation modeling of electromechanical systems

Main publications:
  1. Stelmaschuk Sergei Valerevich, “Opredelenie momenta inertsii elektroprivoda po krivoi razgona metodom Simoyu”, Izvestiya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta, 326:6 (2015), 103–113
  2. Stelmaschuk Sergei Valerevich, “Nastroika PID-regulyatora po krivoi razgona ob'ekta s samovyravnivaniem dlya maksimalnogo bystrodeistviya s zadannym pereregulirovaniem pri identifikatsii ob'ekta modelyu tretego poryadka s zapazdyvaniem”, Vestnik TOGU, 36:1 (2015), 65–74
  3. Stelmaschuk Sergei Valerevich, “Ob analiticheskom sinteze po pryamym pokazatelyam kachestva na osnove uproschennoi modeli”, Uchenye zapiski KnAGTU, 8:4 (2011), 12–17

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