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Hakobyan Tigran Levonovich
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences

Birth date: 26.10.1993
Keywords: number field, local field, p-adic number, Galois field, Galois extension, Galois module, formal group, Honda formal group law, divisor tau function, prime number distribution, prime number


algebraic number theory, theory of local fields, class field theory, formal group theory, analytic number theory, elementary number theory

Main publications:
  1. T. L. Hakobyan, “On the P1 property of sequences of positive integers”, Proceedings of the YSU, 2016, № 2, 22-27
  2. T. Hakobyan, “On the reduced group of principal units in cyclic extensions of local fields”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 455 (2017), 14-24
  3. T. Hakobyan, S. Vostokov, “On an asymptotic property of divisor tau-function”, Lobachevskii J Math, 39:1 (2018), 77-83
  4. Hakobyan T. L., Vostokov S. V., “Honda Formal Module in an Unramified p-Extension of a Local Field as a Galois Module”, Vestnik St. Petersburg University, Mathematics, 51:4 (2018), 317-321

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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