01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
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Keywords: abelian varieties; Brauer groups of fields and schemes
The presentation of 2-torsion of Brauer groups of elliptic curves defined over complex formal power series by central simple algebras over function fields of curves is obtained. Jointly with U. Rehmann and V.I. Yanchevskii generators and relations in the 2-torsion part of the Brauer group of a hyperelliptic curve are found.
Main publications:
Rehmann U., Tikhonov S. V., Yanchevskii V. I. Two-Torsion of the Brauer Groups of Hyperelliptic Curves and Unramified Algebras over Their Function Fields. // Communications in Algebra, 2001. Vol. 29, № 9. P. 3971–3988.