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Oleynik Pavel Petrovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Methods of implementation of object static models in database applications

    Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2016, no. 1,  12–31
  2. Model of security for object-oriented and object-attributed applications

    Proceedings of ISP RAS, 28:3 (2016),  35–50
  3. Unified model for testing object-oriented application development tools

    Proceedings of ISP RAS, 27:3 (2015),  101–114
  4. Description of basic syntax statements Object Query Language (OQL) using XML

    Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2010, no. 1,  55–72
  5. Применение шаблона проектирования Read/Write Lock для управления доступом к функциональности сервера приложений

    Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2007, no. 2,  51–54
  6. Декларативный подход к реализации шаблона проектирования Singleton

    Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2006, no. 4,  45–51

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