Investigation of phase transition for lattice models and description of types of the corresponding von Neumann algebras constructed by GNS-repesentation of Gibbs measures of some lattice models.
Investigations of Gibbs measures of certain lattice models over the p-adic number field.
Investigations of attractors and Siegel disc of certain p-adic dynamical systems.
Investigations of ergodic properties of quantum quadratic stochastic processes on von Neumann algebras.
p-adic dynamical systems.
Study of quantum Markov chains.
Main publications:
Mukhamedov F., Dogan M., “On P-Adic Lambda-Model on the Cayley Tree II: Phase Transitions”, Rep. Math. Phys., 75:1 (2015), 25-47
Farrukh Mukhamedov, Hasan Akin, Mutlay Dogan, “On chaotic behaviour of the p-adic generalized Ising mapping and its application”, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2017, 17