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Srivatsa Kumar Belakavadi Radhakrishna
Associate professor

Birth date: 1.02.1978
Keywords: Modular Equations, Theta functions, Partitions, Continued fractions.


Number Theory

Main publications:
  1. B. R. Srivatsa Kumar and H. C. Vidiya, “Certain Somoss P.Q type Dedekind η-function identities”, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 128:42 (2018)  mathscinet
  2. B. R. Srivatsa Kumar and D. Anu Radha, “Somoss theta-function identities of level 10”, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 42 (2018), 763-773  mathscinet
  3. B. R. Srivatsa Kumar and R. G. Veeresha, “Partition identities arising from Somos.s theta function identities”, Ann Univ Ferrara, 63 (2017), 303.313  crossref  mathscinet
  4. K. R. Vasuki and B. R. Srivatsa Kumar, “Certain identities for Ramanujan.Göllnitz.Gordon continued fraction”, Journal of Computational and Applied MAthematics, 187 (2006), 87-95  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa

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