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Vasiliev Andrey Sergeevich
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences

Birth date: 22.11.1983
Keywords: contact problems, elasticity, electroelasticity, thermoelasticity, indentation, coatings, functionally graded materials.


Approximated analytical solutions of contact problems for elastic, thermoelastic, electroelastic solids with functionally graded coatings

Main publications:
  1. Vasiliev A.S., “Penetration of a spherical conductive punch into a piezoelectric half-space with a functionally graded coating”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 142 (2019), 230-241  crossref  mathscinet
  2. Vasilev A.S., Volkov S.S., Aizikovich S.M., “Priblizhennoe analiticheskoe reshenie zadachi o vdavlivanii provodyaschego shtampa v elektrouprugoe poluprostranstvo s neodnorodnym pokrytiem”, Doklady akademii nauk, 478:1 (2018), 1-6
  3. Kudish I.I., Volkov S.S., Vasiliev A.S., Aizikovich S.M., “Lubricated point heavily loaded contacts of functionally graded materials. Part 1. Dry contacts”, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 23:7 (2018), 1061.1080  crossref  mathscinet
  4. Volkov S.S., Vasiliev A.S., Aizikovich S.M., Mitrin B.I., “Axisymmetric indentation of an electroelastic piezoelectric half-space with functionally graded piezoelectric coating by a circular punch”, Acta Mechanica, 230:4 (2019), 1289.1302  crossref  mathscinet
  5. Vasiliev A.S., Volkov S.S., Belov A.A., Litvinchuk S.Yu., Aizikovich S.M., “Indentation of a hard transversely isotropic functionally graded coating by a conical indenter”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 112 (2017), 63-75  crossref  mathscinet

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