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Atayan Asya Mikhaylovna

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Mathematical modeling of hydrodynamics problems of the Azov Sea on a multiprocessor computer system

    Computer Research and Modeling, 16:3 (2024),  647–672
  2. Using parallel computing to evaluate the transport of pollutants in shallow waters

    Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 24:2 (2024),  298–315
  3. Solving of the biological kinetics problem on a heterogeneous multiprocessor computer system

    J. Comp. Eng. Math., 10:2 (2023),  3–16
  4. A method of solving grid equations for hydrodynamic problems in flat areas

    Matem. Mod., 35:3 (2023),  35–58
  5. The qualitative regularities of the eutrophication process of a shallow water research based on a biological kinetics mathematical model

    Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 16:2 (2023),  14–27
  6. Mathematical model of process of sedimentation of multicomponent suspension on the bottom and changes in the composition of bottom materials

    Izv. IMI UdGU, 60 (2022),  73–89
  7. Regularized difference scheme for solving hydrodynamic problems

    Matem. Mod., 34:2 (2022),  85–100
  8. Supercomputer simulation of hydrobiological processes of coastal systems

    Matem. Mod., 34:1 (2022),  81–103
  9. Mathematical modeling of hazardous natural phenomena in a shallow basin

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 62:2 (2022),  270–288
  10. Local two-dimensional splitting schemes for 3D suspended matter transport problem parallel solution

    Mathematical Physics and Computer Simulation, 24:2 (2021),  38–53
  11. Linear combination of the Upwind and Standard Leapfrog difference schemes with weight coefficients, obtained by minimizing the approximation error

    Chebyshevskii Sb., 21:4 (2020),  243–256
  12. Experimental research of power loads on the supports of the surface structure based on the mathematical model of wave processes

    Vestn. YuUrGU. Ser. Vych. Matem. Inform., 8:3 (2019),  27–42

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