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Ilicheva Vera Vitalievna
Associate professor
Candidate of technical sciences (2005)

Speciality: 05.13.18 (Mathematical modelling, calculating methods, and the program systems)
Keywords: model, graph theory, logic, intelligent systems


Mathematical modeling, discrete models, logical modeling, artificial intelligence

Main publications:
  1. Ilicheva V.V., “Diskretnaya model regulirovaniya dvizheniya na peresecheniyakh vrazhdebnykh marshrutov zheleznodorozhnoi stantsii”, Vestnik RGUPS, 2018, № 2, 56-65
  2. Guda A.N., Ilicheva V.V., Chislov O.N., “Executable Logic Prototypes of Systems Engineering Complexes and Processes on Railway Transport”, Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Conference .Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry., Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 680, 2018, 161-170  crossref
  3. Ilicheva V.V., “Analysis of Options for Track Development of a Railway Station Using Graph Theory and Logic Modeling”, Proceedings of the Third International Scientific Conference .Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry., Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 875, 317-326  crossref
  4. Ilicheva V.V., “Teoretiko-grafovyi podkhod k analizu vzaimovliyaniya transportnykh protsessov”, Vestnik RGUPS, 2019, № 3, 158-167
  5. Ilicheva V.V., “Analiz podkhodov k modelirovaniyu dinamicheskikh sistem v usloviyakh suschestvovaniya anomalii v informatsionnom obmene”, Informatizatsiya i svyaz, 2019, № 4, 120-128

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