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Bondarko Mikhail Vladimirovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2006)

Speciality: 01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
Birth date: 21.08.1977
Phone: +7 (965) 784 61 96
E-mail: , ,
Keywords: motives, triangulated categories, weight structures, t-structures, group schemes, Cartier–Dieudonne modules, formal groups, complete discrete valuation fields, generic fibre.
UDC: 512.48, 512.625, 512.741.5, 512, 512.717, 512.741.2


motives, triangulated categories, weight structures, formal groups, group schemes

Main publications:
  1. Mikhail V. Bondarko, “Weight structures vs. t-structures; weight filtrations, spectral sequences, and complexes (for motives and in general)”, Journal of K-Theory, 6:3 (2010), 387–504
  2. Mikhail V. Bondarko, “Differential graded motives: weight complex, weight filtrations and spectral sequences for realizations; Voevodsky versus Hanamura”, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 8:1 (2009), 39–97
  3. Mikhail V. Bondarko, “Motivically Functorial Coniveau Spectral Sequences; Direct Summands of Cohomology of Function Fields”, Documenta Mathematica, 2010, Suslin's volume, 33–117

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