01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Birth date:
Phone: +7 (383) 363 46 52
E-mail: Keywords: Lopatinsky condition,
Lyapunov stability,
viscous heatconducting gas,
a shock wave,
the hyperbolic equations and systems,
Boltzmann еquation,
hydrodynamical models of carry of a charge in semiconductors,
Sobolev-type system,
weakened solution,
local- and global-in-time existence,
Lyapunov's asymptotic stability,
stabilization method.
UDC: 517.95, 517.956.3, 517.958, 517.956
Boundary problems for equations and systems of the equations in partial derivatives in domains with nonsmooth boundary, problems of a flow for ideal, viscous heatconducting gases, the description of carry of a charge in semiconductors, systems of conservation laws.
Main publications:
A. M. Blokhin, D. L. Tkachev, Mixed problems for the wave equation in coordinate domains, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 1998, 133 p.
A. M. Blokhin, D. L. Tkachev, Yu. Yu. Pashinin, “Stability of shock waves in the problem of flowing around an infinite planar wedge: the case of strong shock”, Proceedings of the International Conference “Eleventh International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems. Theory. Numerics. Applications” (Lyon, France, July 17–21, 2006), 1037–1045
A. M. Blokhin, D. L. Tkachev, L. O. Baldan, “Study of the stability in the problem on flowing around a wedge. The case of strong wave”, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 319 (2006), 248–277
A. M. Blokhin, D. L. Tkachev, L. O. Baldan, “Well-posedness of a modified initial-boundary value problem on stability of shock waves in a viscous gas. Part I”, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 331 (2007), 408–423
A. M. Blokhin, D. L. Tkachev, D. V. Esipov, “Well-posedness of a modified initial-boundary value problem on stability of shock waves in a viscous gas. Part II”, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 331 (2007), 424–442
A. M. Blokhin, D. L. Tkachev, Yu. Yu. Pashinin, “Stability condition for the strong shock wave in the problem on flow around infinite plane wedge”, Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems, 2:1 (2008), 1–17
A. M. Blokhin. D. L. Tkachev, “Representation of the solution to a model problem in semiconductor physics”, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 341 (2008), 1468–1475