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Markov Vladimir Vasil'evich
Markov Vladimir Vasil'evich
Senior Researcher
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1989)

Speciality: 01.02.05 (Mechanics of fluids, gases and plasmas)
Birth date: 11.07.1947
Phone: +7 (495) 984 81 41 * 37 36 , +7 (495) 939 59 77, +7 (495) 939 33 84
E-mail: ,
Keywords: combustion, detonation, explosion, combustible mixtures of gases, dusty-gas mixtures, mathematical modeling, analytical and numerical methods of hydrodynamics, protection of explosions in nature and technology.
UDC: 519.634, 534.222.2, 534.224, 532.529, 532.61.042
MSC: 76T15, 76V05, 80A20, 80A25, 80A32, 76L05, 76K05, 76J20, 76D06, 76M20, 93A30


Flows of continuous media with chemical reactions and radiation transport, movements of rigid and fluid particles and nonstationary gas flows; propagation of more-than-one dimensional and nonstationary fronts of detonation, initiation and extinction of detonation.

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