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Kalyabin Gennadiy Anatolievich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. On two-sided and asymptotic estimates for the norms of embedding operators of $\mathring W_2^n(-1,1)$ into $L_q(d\mu)$

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 284 (2014),  169–175
  2. New examples of Pompeiu functions

    Eurasian Math. J., 4:3 (2013),  63–69
  3. Sharp Constants in One-Dimensional Poincaré-Type Inequalities

    Mat. Zametki, 90:4 (2011),  634–636
  4. Sharp estimates for derivatives of functions in the Sobolev classes $\mathring W_2^r(-1,1)$

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 269 (2010),  143–149
  5. A NonDensity Criterion for $L^\infty(\mathbb R^n)$ in $L^{p(\cdot)}(\mathbb R^n)$

    Mat. Zametki, 82:2 (2007),  315–316
  6. Some Problems for Sobolev Spaces on the Half-line

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 255 (2006),  161–169
  7. Effective Formulas for Constants in the Stechkin–Gabushin Problem

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 248 (2005),  124–129
  8. Sharp Constants in Inequalities for Intermediate Derivatives (the Gabushin Case)

    Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 38:3 (2004),  29–38
  9. Extrapolations with the Least Norms in the Sobolev Spaces $W_2^n$ on the Half-Axis and the Whole Axis

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 243 (2003),  230–236
  10. The Best Extension Operators for Sobolev Spaces on the Half-Line

    Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 36:2 (2002),  28–37
  11. An Asymptotic Formula for the Minimum Eigenvalues of Hilbert Type Matrices

    Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 35:1 (2001),  80–84
  12. Upper Estimates for the Coefficients of Algebraic Polynomials via Their $L_p$-Norms on Intervals

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 227 (1999),  152–161
  13. Bilateral Estimates for the Least Norm of Extension Operators from Plane Convex Domains for Sobolev Spaces

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 227 (1999),  146–151
  14. An effective description of the sum of some pairs of spaces of the Besov and Lizorkin–Triebel types

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 210 (1995),  120–128
  15. Two-sided estimates and exact values of some capacities

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 331:6 (1993),  672–673
  16. Pointwise multipliers in certain Sobolev spaces containing unbounded functions

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 204 (1993),  160–165
  17. Characterization of spaces of Besov–Lizorkin–Triebel type by means of generalized differences

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 181 (1988),  95–116
  18. On the moduli of smoothness of functions given on a sphere

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 294:5 (1987),  1051–1054
  19. Integral representations and estimates for generalized differences of entire functions of exponential type

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 180 (1987),  129–130
  20. Characterization of certain function spaces by means of generalized differences

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 284:6 (1985),  1305–1308
  21. Theorems on extension, multipliers and diffeomorphisms for generalized Sobolev–Liouville classes in domains with a Lipschitz boundary

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 172 (1985),  173–186
  22. Description of traces of the functions whose derivatives are bounded with certain weights

    Mat. Zametki, 35:3 (1984),  357–368
  23. Function classes of Lizorkin-Triebel type in domains with Lipschitzian boundary

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 271:4 (1983),  795–798
  24. Correction: “Descriptions of functions from classes of Besov–Lizorkin–Triebel type”

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 161 (1983),  226
  25. Estimates for the capacity of sets with respect to generalized Lizorkin–Triebel classes and weighted Sobolev classes

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 161 (1983),  111–124
  26. Criteria for the multiplicativity and for the imbedding into $C$ of Besov–Lizorkin–Triebel type spaces

    Mat. Zametki, 30:4 (1981),  517–526
  27. The Dirichlet problem for some degenerate elliptic equations with boundary functions in $L_p^*$

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 251:2 (1980),  274–276
  28. Multiplicativity conditions for function spaces of Besov and Lizorkin–Triebel type

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 251:1 (1980),  25–26
  29. Descriptions of functions from classes of Besov–Lizorkin–Triebel type

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 156 (1980),  82–109
  30. Description of traces for anisotropic spaces of Triebel–Lizorkin type

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 150 (1979),  160–173
  31. Trace spaces for generalized anisotropic Liouville classes

    Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 42:2 (1978),  305–314
  32. A generalized trace method in the interpolation theory of Banach spaces

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 106(148):1(5) (1978),  85–93
  33. Characterization of functions in spaces of Besov–Lizorkin–Triebel type

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 236:5 (1977),  1056–1059
  34. Imbedding theorems for generalized Besov and Liouville spaces

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 232:6 (1977),  1245–1248
  35. A trace problem for weighted anisotropic spaces of Liouville type

    Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 41:5 (1977),  1138–1160
  36. Characterization of spaces of generalized Liouville differentiation

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 104(146):1(9) (1977),  42–48
  37. Description of traces for functions in weighted classes of Liouville type

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 227:2 (1976),  284–287
  38. Theory of Weyl circles in the case of a nonselfadjoint system of second order differential equations

    Differ. Uravn., 12:9 (1976),  1531–1540
  39. Trace spaces for a certain family of periodic weight classes

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 140 (1976),  169–180
  40. Estimates for functions with a finite O. V. Besov seminorm

    Differ. Uravn., 11:4 (1975),  713–717
  41. Traces of functions with majorizable derivatives

    Mat. Zametki, 18:4 (1975),  499–506
  42. A necessary and sufficient condition for the discreteness of the spectrum of a monomial operation in the matrix case

    Differ. Uravn., 9:5 (1973),  951–954
  43. On the number of solutions of a self-adjoint system of second-order differential equations in $L_2(0,\infty)$

    Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 6:3 (1972),  74–76

  44. Поправки к статье “Теоремы вложения для обобщенных пространств Бесова и Лиувилля” (ДАН, т. 232, № 6, 1977 г.)

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 237:4 (1977),  760

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