01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
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Keywords: quasiisometries; boundary behavior of mappings; homeomorphic images of ball; surfaces and topological manifolds without boundary; intrinsic metrics; pre-ends; prime ends; factorization of set of pre-ends; Caratheodory and Lindelof theorems; compact and Hausdorff completions.
Main publications:
Karmazin A. P. Prostye predkontsy prostranstvennykh oblastei // Tomskii un-t, dep. v VINITI, # 2220-V, 1992, 55 s.
Karmazin A. P. Teoriya predkontsov prostranstvennykh oblastei: faktorizatsiya predkontsov po ikh obschemu tsokolyu // Red. SMZh, dep. v VINITI, # 1102-V, 1995, 60 s.
Karmazin A. P. Osnovnye teoremy teorii predkontsov prostranstvennykh oblastei // Matematicheskie trudy, Novosibirsk: Izd-vo IM SO RAN, 1998, t. 1, vyp. 2, s. 79–110.
Karmazin A. P. Utochnenie teoremy Lindelefa i drugie primeneniya teorii predkontsov // Matem. zametki, 1999, t. 65, vyp. 5, s. 787–790.
Karmazin A. P. Metricheskie struktury prostranstvennykh oblastei i granichnoe povedenie kvaziizometrii // Red. SMZh, dep. v VINITI. # 3244-V, 1999, 74 s.