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Horuzhy Sergey Sergeevich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Rigorous Formulation of a $2D$ Conformal Model in the Fock–Krein Space: Construction of the Global $\operatorname{Op}J^*$-Algebra of Fields and Currents

    TMF, 141:1 (2004),  60–79
  2. Conformal Theories, BRST Formalism and Representations of the Lie Superalgebras

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 228 (2000),  155–167
  3. BRST quantization as a problem in the representation theory of Lie superalgebras

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 203 (1994),  48–57
  4. A new approach to BRST operator cohomologies: Exact results for the BRST-fock theories

    TMF, 93:2 (1992),  342–353
  5. True BRST symmetry algebra and the theory of its representations

    TMF, 91:1 (1992),  3–16
  6. $\mathrm{Op}^*$ and $\mathrm{C}^*$ dynamical systems. II. Structural differences: Borchers anomaly

    TMF, 82:3 (1990),  323–330
  7. $\mathrm{Op}^*$ and $\mathrm C^*$ dynamical systems I. Structural parallels

    TMF, 82:2 (1990),  163–177
  8. Ghost number and ghost conjugation operators in the formalism of BRST quantization

    TMF, 80:1 (1989),  3–14
  9. Some problems in algebraic quantum field theory

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 176 (1987),  36–44
  10. Field algebras in quantum theory with indefinite metric. IV

    TMF, 72:3 (1987),  340–351
  11. Field algebras in quantum theory with indefinite metric. III. Spectrum of modular operator and Tomita's fundamental theorem

    TMF, 70:2 (1987),  181–191
  12. Field algebras in quantum theory with indefinite metric. II. Formulation of a modular theory in Pontryagin space

    TMF, 62:1 (1985),  30–44
  13. Algebras of unbounded operators and vacuum superselection rules in quantum field theory II. Mathematical structure of vacuum superselection rules

    TMF, 60:3 (1984),  323–343
  14. Algebras of unbounded operators and vacuum superselection rules in quantum field theory. I. Some properties of Op*-algebras and vector states on them

    TMF, 59:1 (1984),  28–48
  15. On field algebras in quantum theory with indefinite metric

    TMF, 54:1 (1983),  57–77
  16. Conditional expectations on von Neumann algebras and the causal independence of quantized fields

    TMF, 46:2 (1981),  147–156
  17. Simplicity of the quasilocal algebra of the system of canonical anticommutation relations with compact gauge group

    TMF, 37:1 (1978),  3–11
  18. Algebras of observables of the free Dirac field

    TMF, 36:2 (1978),  166–182
  19. Fields and algebras of observables in models with superselection rules II. Model with non-Abelian gauge group

    TMF, 26:1 (1976),  3–15
  20. Equivalence properties of coherent superselection sectors and description of physical symmetries in algebraic axiomatic theory

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 135 (1975),  127–136
  21. Fields and algebras of observables in models with superselection rules

    TMF, 25:3 (1975),  291–306
  22. Superposition principle in Algebraic quantum theory

    TMF, 23:2 (1975),  147–159
  23. Axioms of algebra of observables and the field concept

    TMF, 16:1 (1973),  3–20
  24. $H$-images of vector states and causal properties of local algebras

    TMF, 15:2 (1973),  197–206
  25. Local and asymptotic structure of quantum systems with superselection rules

    TMF, 13:3 (1972),  291–312
  26. Properties of $H$ images of vector states on algebras of observables

    TMF, 8:3 (1971),  324–327
  27. Fields and local observables in an axiomatic algebraic theory with superselection rules

    TMF, 5:1 (1970),  10–24
  28. Vector states on algebras of observables and superselection rules II. Algebraic theory of superselection rules

    TMF, 4:3 (1970),  341–359
  29. Vector states on algebras of observables and superselection rules I. Vector states and Hilbert space

    TMF, 4:2 (1970),  171–195
  30. Structure of local $W^*$-albebras in relativistic quantum theory

    TMF, 2:3 (1970),  350–360
  31. Extended locality and other properties of local $W^*$-algebras

    TMF, 1:1 (1969),  95–100
  32. Local properties of unrenormalizable theories

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 177:2 (1967),  306–309

  33. Mikhail Konstantinovich Polivanov (1930–1992)

    TMF, 90:2 (1992),  162
  34. Mikhail Konstantinovich Polivanov (Obituary)

    UFN, 162:7 (1992),  183–186
  35. Содержание понятия “физическая теория” и аксиоматическое обоснование структуры гильбертова пространства квантовой механики через основные положения измерений

    UFN, 106:1 (1972),  178–180

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