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Verbitsky Mikhail Sergeevich

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Gromov-Hausdorff limits of hyperkahler metrics
    M. S. Verbitsky
    Shafarevich Seminar
    September 7, 2021 15:00   
  2. Ergodic Automorphism Groups
    Mikhail Verbitsky
    Annual one day conference in memory of Andrei Nikolaevich Tyurin (24.02.1940 – 27.10.2002)
    October 28, 2020 12:00   
  3. Contraction loci in hyperkähler manifolds
    Misha Verbitsky
    Workshop on Birational geometry
    March 27, 2018 18:00   
  4. Perverse coherent sheaves on hyperkahler manifolds and Weil conjectures
    Misha Verbitsky
    Conference in honour of Fedor Bogomolov's 70th birthday
    September 29, 2016 12:00
  5. Submanifolds of Hopf manifolds
    M. S. Verbitsky
    Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar)
    February 24, 2016 16:45
  6. Calabi–Yau manifolds
    M. S. Verbitsky
    Seminar of Laboratory 5 IITP RAS "Integrable structures in statistical and field models"
    May 28, 2015 14:00
  7. Ergodic complex structures
    M. S. Verbitsky
    St. Petersburg Seminar on Representation Theory and Dynamical Systems
    April 8, 2015 17:00
  8. Symplectic fillings in hyperkahler manifolds and tori
    M. S. Verbitsky
    St. Petersburg Seminar on Representation Theory and Dynamical Systems
    April 8, 2015 13:30
  9. Symplectic packings in hyperkähler manifolds and tori
    M. S. Verbitsky
    Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar)
    November 19, 2014 16:45
  10. Yu. Prokhorov. "On plane Cremona group". M. Verbitsky. "Cremona group and hyperbolic geometry"
    Yu. G. Prokhorov, M. S. Verbitsky
    Iskovskikh Seminar
    December 12, 2013 18:30
  11. Teichmuller groups for hyperkahler manifolds
    M. S. Verbitsky
    Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
    November 19, 2013 16:45
  12. Towards the cone conjecture for hyperkahler manifolds
    M. S. Verbitsky
    International conference "Geometry of Algebraic Varieties" dedicated to the memory of V. A. Iskovskikh
    October 22, 2013 11:00   
  13. Миша Вербицкий, "Пространство модулей поверхностей Энриквеса асферично", Андрей Солдатенков, "Пространство модулей кубических поверхностей"
    M. S. Verbitsky, A. Soldatenkov
    Iskovskikh Seminar
    October 17, 2013 18:30
  14. Meromorphic functions on twistor spaces
    M. S. Verbitsky
    Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar)
    December 12, 2012 16:45
  15. Kobayashi non-hyperbolicity of hyperkaehler manifolds
    M. S. Verbitsky
    International conference "KUL!FEST" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Vik. S. Kulikov
    December 7, 2012 11:00   
  16. Trisymplectic manifolds
    M. S. Verbitsky
    Complex analysis and mathematical physics
    March 19, 2012 16:00
  17. Trisymplectic manifolds
    Misha Verbitsky
    Russian–German conference on Several Complex Variables
    February 28, 2012 11:30   
  18. Global Torelli theorem for hyperkahler manifolds
    Misha Verbitsky
    Conference in honour of Fedor Bogomolov's 65th birthday
    September 1, 2011 15:50   
  19. Stable bundles on $\mathbb CP^3$ and special holonomies
    Misha Verbitsky
    Seminar by Algebra Department
    November 9, 2010 15:00
  20. Non-algebraic surfaces
    M. S. Verbitsky
    Iskovskikh Seminar
    October 13, 2010 16:00
  21. Non-algebraic surfaces
    M. S. Verbitsky
    Seminar on Geometry of Algebraic Varieties
    October 13, 2010 16:00
  22. The hyperkaehler SYZ conjecture
    M. S. Verbitsky
    Seminar on Geometry of Algebraic Varieties
    March 27, 2009 14:00

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