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Dolov Mihail Vasilevich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1984)

Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Birth date: 5.11.1934
Keywords: dynamical systems; Hamiltonian systems; limit cycles; Integrability of systems.


For two-dimensional autonomous analytic dynamical systems it is proved the existence of "canonical" and "quasicanonical" integrals, the important special case of which are Darbouxian integrals and their generalizations. Influence of limit sets on singularity of the first integrals and the integrating factors is studied. Erugin's problem of the existence polynomial vector fields with center and limit cycles is solved. The counterexample to K. S. Sibirsky's hypothesis on everywhere dense set of algebraic equations with Darbouxian integral in the set of equations with the center is constructed.

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