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El Fadil Lhoussain
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences

Birth date: 1.01.1970
Phone: +212636038983
Keywords: Power integral bases, theorem of Ore, prime ideal factorization, common index divisor


Algebraic Number Theory and Algebra

Main publications:
  1. Lhoussain El Fadil, “On common index divisor and monogenity of certain number fields defined by a trinomial $x^5+ax^2+b$”, Commun. Algebra, available online Junary 23, 2022,doi 10.1080/00927872.2022.2025820, 2022
  2. Lhoussain El Fadil, J. Montes and E. Nart, “Newton polygons and $p$-integral bases of quartic number fields”, J. Algebra and Appl., 11, no. 4, 2012, 1250073
  3. Lhoussain El Fadil, “On Prime ideal factorization via Newton polygons,”, Czechoslovakia Mathematical Journal 71, (2021) 529–543, Czechoslovakia Mathematical Journal, 71 (2021), 529–543
  4. L. El Fadil, M. Boulagouaz, and A. Deajim, “On a Dedekind criterion over any arbitrary valued field, Siberian J. Math., 62(5), ( 2021) 1073–1083”, On a Dedekind criterion over any arbitrary valued field, Siberian J. Math., 62(5), ( 2021) 1073–1083, Siberian J. Math., 62:5 (2021), 1073–1083
  5. Lhoussain El Fadil, “On integral bases and monogeneity of pure sextic number fields with non-square coefficients”, On integral bases and monogeneity of pure sextic number fields with non-square coefficients, J. Num.Theory, Vol 228, 2021 375–389, J. Num.Theory, 288 (2021), 375–389

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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