Publications in Math-Net.Ru
Characterization of the Moyal Multiplier Algebras for the Generalized Spaces of Type $S$
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 309 (2020), 290–303
Spaces of Type $S$ as Topological Algebras under Twisted Convolution and Star Product
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 306 (2019), 235–257
Spaces of type $S$ and deformation quantization
TMF, 201:3 (2019), 315–336
Weyl correspondence for a charged particle in the field of a magnetic monopole
TMF, 187:2 (2016), 383–398
Star products on symplectic vector spaces: Convergence, representations, and extensions
TMF, 181:3 (2014), 568–596
Generalized Weyl correspondence and Moyal multiplier algebras
TMF, 173:1 (2012), 38–59
Twisted convolution and Moyal star product of generalized functions
TMF, 172:1 (2012), 9–27
Noncommutative deformations of quantum field theories, locality, and causality
TMF, 163:3 (2010), 413–429
Star product algebras of test functions
TMF, 153:1 (2007), 3–17
Decomposition theorems and kernel theorems for a class
of functional spaces
Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 70:5 (2006), 199–224
Axiomatic formulations of nonlocal and noncommutative field theories
TMF, 147:2 (2006), 257–269
Two classes of generalized functions used in nonlocal field theory
TMF, 143:2 (2005), 195–210
Lorentz-Covariant Ultradistributions, Hyperfunctions, and Analytic Functionals
TMF, 128:3 (2001), 492–514
Wick Power Series Converging to Nonlocal Fields
TMF, 127:2 (2001), 268–283
Spectral properties of Wick power series for a free field with an indefinite metric
TMF, 125:1 (2000), 57–73
Test function space for Wick power series
TMF, 123:3 (2000), 355–373
PCT, spin and statistics, and analytic wave front set
TMF, 121:1 (1999), 139–164
Breaking the space–time translation group in the dipole field model
TMF, 115:2 (1998), 163–176
On a spectral condition for infrared singular quantum fields
TMF, 105:3 (1995), 405–411
The propagation of a quasifront in a stratified rotating fluid
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 34:2 (1994), 310–314
Nonlocalizability and asymptotical commutativity
TMF, 93:3 (1992), 514–528
Strengthening of Singer's result on absence of global gauge fixing
TMF, 78:2 (1989), 163–176
Geometry of classical mechanics with non-Abelian gauge symmetry
TMF, 73:1 (1987), 3–15
Spacelike asymptotic behavior of vacuum expectation values in nonlocal field theory
TMF, 52:3 (1982), 363–374
A generalization of Ruelle's theorem
TMF, 52:2 (1982), 213–224
Intersection of Jaffe spaces
TMF, 45:2 (1980), 147–160
Relativistically invariant formulation of causality in a nonlocal theory of exponential growth
TMF, 43:2 (1980), 202–209
Ruelle's theorem and the theory of quasianalytic classes of functions
TMF, 42:1 (1980), 3–15
Locality and lattice theory
TMF, 20:3 (1974), 299–301
On the Fourier–Laplace transformation of generalized functions
TMF, 15:1 (1973), 3–19
On the class of distributions compatible with locality
TMF, 7:2 (1971), 183–191
X Международная конференция по физике частиц высоких энергий
UFN, 73:4 (1961), 775–790
Vladimir Ivanovich Ritus (on his 90th birthday)
UFN, 187:7 (2017), 799–800
In memory of Vladimir Yakovlevich Fainberg
UFN, 181:5 (2011), 563–564
Vladimir Ivanovich Ritus (on his eightieth birthday)
UFN, 177:7 (2007), 801–802
Naum Natanovich Meiman (obituary)
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 57:2(344) (2002), 179–184
Vladimir Ivanovich Ritus (on his seventieth birthday)
UFN, 167:5 (1997), 569–570
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