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Kadyshevskii Vladimir Georgievich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. On new geometrical concept of local quantum field

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 272 (2011),  170–179
  2. Integrable structure of the field theory of open superstrings

    TMF, 149:3 (2006),  381–385
  3. Hamiltonian Structures of Fermionic Two-Dimensional Toda Lattice Hierarchies

    TMF, 146:1 (2006),  90–102
  4. The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research — the first half-century

    UFN, 176:3 (2006),  311–318
  5. Polarization of the Electron-Positron Vacuum by a Strong Magnetic Field in the Theory with a Fundamental Mass

    TMF, 136:3 (2003),  517–528
  6. Threshold Phenomena in Intense Electromagnetic Fields

    TMF, 134:2 (2003),  227–242
  7. $N=(1|1)$ Supersymmetric Dispersionless Toda Lattice Hierarchy

    TMF, 132:2 (2002),  222–237
  8. Decay of Quasi-Stationary States of Nonrelativistic Quantum Systems in an Intense Electromagnetic Field

    TMF, 130:2 (2002),  275–286
  9. Dispersion relations for threshold reactions in an external electromagnetic field

    TMF, 125:3 (2000),  432–443
  10. Forty years of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

    UFN, 166:9 (1996),  921–926
  11. On a generalization of the gauge principle at high energies

    TMF, 83:2 (1990),  197–206
  12. Chiral fermion fields at high energies

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 306:4 (1989),  856–858
  13. Nonrelativistic limit of solutions of radial quasipotential equations

    TMF, 67:1 (1986),  151–159
  14. Solutions of relativistic radial quasipotential equations

    TMF, 63:2 (1985),  254–269
  15. Non-Euclidean momentum space and the two-body problem

    TMF, 50:3 (1982),  360–369
  16. On the muon-electron mass difference

    TMF, 45:3 (1980),  358–364
  17. Equations of motion for scalar and spinor fields in a four-dimensional non-euclidean momentum space

    TMF, 40:3 (1979),  363–372
  18. Extension of the $S$-matrix off the mass shell and momentum space of constant curvature

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 136 (1975),  85–129
  19. Quasipotential equation for a relativistic harmonic oscillator

    TMF, 8:1 (1971),  61–72
  20. Representation for relativistic scattering amplitude at high energies

    TMF, 7:2 (1971),  203–216
  21. Problem of the $c\to\infty$ limit in the relativistic Schrödinger equation

    TMF, 3:2 (1970),  191–196
  22. A note on mass formulas in the theory of unitary symmetry

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 172:1 (1967),  73–75
  23. A representation for the scattering matrix in quantum field theory

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 160:3 (1965),  573–574
  24. A model of scalar field theory in quantized space-time

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 147:6 (1962),  1336–1339
  25. On the different parametrizations in the quantized space-time theory

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 147:3 (1962),  588–591
  26. On the theory of discrete space-time

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 136:1 (1961),  70–73
  27. On the mass spectrum and the fundamental length in the field theory

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 131:6 (1960),  1305–1307

  28. Viktor Anatol'evich Matveev (on his 70th birthday)

    UFN, 182:1 (2012),  119–120
  29. In memory of Aleksei Norairovich Sissakian

    UFN, 180:7 (2010),  781–782
  30. In memory of Al'bert Nikiforovich Tavkhelidze

    UFN, 180:4 (2010),  445–446
  31. Semen Solomonovich Gershtein (on his 80th birthday)

    UFN, 179:7 (2009),  807–808
  32. Dmitrii Vasil'evich Shirkov (on his 80th birthday)

    UFN, 178:3 (2008),  331–332
  33. Sergei Petrovich Denisov (on his 70th birthday)

    UFN, 177:5 (2007),  581–582
  34. In memory of Andrei Grigor'evich Bashkirov

    UFN, 177:3 (2007),  341–342
  35. Anatolii Alekseevich Logunov (on his eightieth birthday)

    UFN, 177:1 (2007),  117–118
  36. In memory of Aleksei Alekseevich Tyapkin

    UFN, 174:5 (2004),  579–580
  37. Vasilii Sergeevich Vladimirov (on his 80th birthday)

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 58:1(349) (2003),  199–207
  38. In memory of Aleksandr Mikhailovich Baldin

    UFN, 173:7 (2003),  795–796
  39. Yurii Tsolakovich Oganesyan (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 173:5 (2003),  571–572
  40. Viktor Anatol'evich Matveev (on his sixtieth birthday)

    UFN, 171:12 (2001),  1381–1382
  41. Albert Nikiforovich Tavkhelidze (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 171:2 (2001),  221–222
  42. In memory of Iosif Solomonovich Shapiro

    UFN, 169:8 (1999),  929–930
  43. In memory of Venedikt Petrovich Dzhelepov

    UFN, 169:6 (1999),  701–702
  44. Dmitrii Vasil'evich Shirkov (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 168:3 (1998),  361–362
  45. In memory of Nikita Alekseevich Sveshnikov

    UFN, 168:1 (1998),  109–110
  46. Anatolii Alekseevich Logunov (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 167:1 (1997),  111–112
  47. In memory of Viktor Isaakovich Ogievetskii

    UFN, 166:9 (1996),  1031–1032
  48. In memory of Sergei Mikhailovich Polikanov

    UFN, 166:1 (1996),  111–112
  49. Mikhail Isaakovich Podgoretskii (Obituary)

    UFN, 165:6 (1995),  713–714
  50. Vladislav Pavlovich Sarantsev (Obituary)

    UFN, 165:6 (1995),  711–712
  51. In memory of Fedor Ivanovich Fedorov

    UFN, 165:2 (1995),  239–240
  52. Yakov Petrovich Terletskiĭ (Obituary)

    UFN, 164:2 (1994),  235–237
  53. Bruno Maksimovich Pontecorvo (on his eightieth birthday)

    UFN, 163:8 (1993),  115–116
  54. Yurii Tsolakovich Oganesyan (on his sixtieth birthday)

    UFN, 163:5 (1993),  133–134
  55. Venedikt Petrovich Dzhelepov (on his eightieth birthday)

    UFN, 163:5 (1993),  127–129
  56. Yakov Abramovich Smorodinskii (Obituary)

    UFN, 163:2 (1993),  109–110
  57. Mikhail Konstantinovich Polivanov (1930–1992)

    TMF, 90:2 (1992),  162

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