Laser synthesis of nanomaterials for theranostics of oncology Laser synthesis and characterization of colloidal nanomaterials for biomedical applications
Main publications:
Ivan V.Zelepukin, Anton A.Popov, Victoria O.Shipunova, Gleb V.Tikhonowski, Aziz B.Mirkasymov, Elena A.Popova-Kuznetsova, Sergey M.Klimentov, Andrei V.Kabashin, Sergey M.Deyev, “Laser-synthesized TiN nanoparticles for biomedical applications: Evaluation of safety, biodistribution and pharmacokinetics”, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 120 (2021), 12
G V Tikhonowski, A A Popov, E A Popova-Kuznetsova, S M Klimentov, P N Prasad and A V Kabashin, “Laser-ablative synthesis of stable size-tunable Bi nanoparticles and their functionalization for radiotherapy applications”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2058:1 (2021), 2010
Tikhonowski, G.V., Popova-Kuznetsova, E.A., Aleshchenko, Y.A., “Effect of Oxygen on Colloidal Stability of Titanium Nitride Nanoparticles Synthesized by Laser Ablation in Liquids.”, Bull. Lebedev Phys. Inst., 48 (2021), 216-220