Publications in Math-Net.Ru
More about wormholes in generalized Galileon theorie
TMF, 188:2 (2016), 337–342
Can Galileons support Lorentzian wormholes?
TMF, 187:2 (2016), 338–349
Towards conformal cosmology
Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 102:8 (2015), 630–640
The null energy condition and its violation
UFN, 184:2 (2014), 137–152
Fermions and Kaluza-Klein vacuum decay: a toy model
TMF, 175:1 (2013), 50–61
Phantom dark energy with tachyonic instability: Metric perturbations
TMF, 173:3 (2012), 441–452
Comparison of dynamical and spectator models of a (pseudo)conformal universe
TMF, 173:1 (2012), 149–159
Cosmological density perturbations in a conformal scalar field theory
TMF, 170:2 (2012), 188–205
Large Hadron Collider's discovery of a new particle with Higgs boson properties
UFN, 182:10 (2012), 1017–1025
Cosmology and the Large Hadron Collider
UFN, 181:6 (2011), 655–664
Infrared-modified gravities and massive gravitons
UFN, 178:8 (2008), 785–822
Dark energy: myths and reality
UFN, 178:3 (2008), 301–308
Hierarchies of fundamental constants (to items Nos 16, 17, and 27 from Ginzburg's list)
UFN, 177:4 (2007), 407–414
Phantom without pathologies in the ultraviolet domain
TMF, 149:3 (2006), 409–426
On V P Bykov's article “Fractional charge: a new trend in electronics”
UFN, 176:9 (2006), 1014
Gauge Theory Solitons on the Noncommutative Cylinder
TMF, 138:2 (2004), 319–337
Multidimensional models of particle physics
UFN, 173:2 (2003), 219–226
A Simplified Model for Monopole Catalysis of Nucleon Decay
TMF, 128:3 (2001), 361–377
Large and infinite extra dimensions
UFN, 171:9 (2001), 913–938
False vacuum decay in the de Sitter space–time
TMF, 120:3 (1999), 451–472
Elementary particle physics and cosmology: current status and prospects
UFN, 169:12 (1999), 1299–1309
Electroweak baryon number non-conservation in the early Universe and in high-energy collisions
UFN, 166:5 (1996), 493–537
Nonconservation of baryon number under extremal conditions
UFN, 156:2 (1988), 253–295
Nonconservation of the fermion number in a cold dense fermion medium in $V-A$ gauge theories
TMF, 69:1 (1986), 3–24
Nonconservation of the fermion number and the limiting density of fermionic matter (two-dimensional gauge model)
TMF, 68:1 (1986), 3–17
Production of fermion pairs associated with decay of a metastable vacuum
TMF, 66:1 (1986), 66–78
Stable anomalous states of superdense matter in gauge theories
TMF, 65:2 (1985), 250–254
Structure of the vacuum in gauge theories and monopole catalysis of proton decay
UFN, 141:4 (1983), 714–715
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a closed cosmological Friedmann model
TMF, 45:3 (1980), 407–420
Structure of the ground state in two-dimensional massless quantum electrodynamics
TMF, 45:3 (1980), 313–328
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in an open Friedmann universe
TMF, 42:1 (1980), 37–44
Dynamical spontaneous symmetry breaking
TMF, 37:3 (1978), 319–325
Quantum gravitation: Quantization of the Friedmann model
TMF, 33:3 (1977), 364–376
In memory of Andrei Alekseevich Slavnov
UFN, 192:11 (2022), 1293–1294
Aleksandr Abramovich Belavin (on his 80th birthday)
UFN, 192:10 (2022), 1179–1180
In memory of Yurii Alekseevich Trutnev
UFN, 192:2 (2022), 227–228
Gennadii Nikolaevich Kulipanov (on his 80th birthday)
UFN, 192:1 (2022), 115–116
On the Eightieth Birthday of Sergei Nikolaevich Bagayev
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 51:10 (2021), 958
Dmitrii Igorevich Kazakov (on his 70th birthday)
UFN, 191:12 (2021), 1403–1404
Viktor Anatol'evich Matveev (on his 80th birthday)
UFN, 191:12 (2021), 1401–1402
In memory of Vladimir Evgen'evich Fortov
UFN, 191:1 (2021), 111–112
Aleksandr Grigor'evich Litvak (on his 80th birthday)
UFN, 190:11 (2020), 1227–1228
Anatolii Mikhailovich Cherepashchuk (on his 80th birthday)
UFN, 190:8 (2020), 895–896
In memory of Mikhail Borisovich Voloshin
UFN, 190:5 (2020), 557–558
In memory of Leonid Ivanovich Ponomarev
UFN, 190:4 (2020), 447–448
Vladimir Evgen'evich Zakharov (on his 80th birthday)
UFN, 189:10 (2019), 1127–1128
Semen Solomonovich Gershtein (on his 90th birthday)
UFN, 189:10 (2019), 1123–1124
In memory of Viktor Georgievich Veselago
UFN, 189:3 (2019), 335–336
Viktor Dmitrievich Selemir (on his 70th birthday)
UFN, 188:12 (2018), 1367–1368
Radii Ivanovich Ilkaev (on his 80th birthday)
UFN, 188:10 (2018), 1135–1136
Competition: “Best reviews and articles published in Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk [Physics–Uspekhi] (UFN) journal in 2016”
UFN, 188:1 (2018), 2
In memory of Lev Nikolaevich Lipatov
UFN, 187:12 (2017), 1405–1406
Yurii Alekseevich Trutnev (on his 90th birthday)
UFN, 187:12 (2017), 1401–1402
In memory of Leonid Veniaminovich Keldysh
UFN, 187:11 (2017), 1145–1146
Oleg Vladimirovich Rudenko (on his 70th birthday)
UFN, 187:10 (2017), 1143–1144
Igor Ivanovich Tkachev (on his 60th birthday)
UFN, 187:5 (2017), 575–576
On the contest “Best reviews and articles published in Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk [Physics–Uspekhi] (UFN) journal in 2015”
UFN, 187:1 (2017), 2
Mikhail Vladimirovich Danilov (on his 70th birthday)
UFN, 186:12 (2016), 1379–1380
In memory of Vadim Alekseevich Kuzmin
UFN, 186:4 (2016), 447–448
In memory of Dmitrii Vasil'evich Shirkov
UFN, 186:4 (2016), 445–446
Aleksandr Nikolaevich Skrinsky (on his 80th birthday)
UFN, 186:2 (2016), 221–222
Vladimir Evgen'evich Fortov (on his 70th birthday)
UFN, 186:1 (2016), 109–110
Igor Dmitrievich Novikov (on his 80th birthday)
UFN, 186:1 (2016), 105–106
In memory of Lev Borisovich Okun
UFN, 185:12 (2015), 1345–1346
In memory of Anatoly Alekseevich Logunov
UFN, 185:9 (2015), 1005–1006
Aleksandr Evgenievich Bondar (on his 60th birthday)
UFN, 185:5 (2015), 557–558
On the contest “Best reviews and articles published in Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk [Physics–Uspekhi] (UFN) journal in 2013”
UFN, 185:1 (2015), 2
Ludvig Dmitrievich Faddeev (on his 80th birthday)
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 69:6(420) (2014), 183–191
К открытию бозона Хиггса
Kvant, 2012, no. 5-6, 2–10
In memory of Leonid Petrovich Grishchuk
UFN, 182:11 (2012), 1247–1248
Viktor Anatol'evich Matveev (on his 70th birthday)
UFN, 182:1 (2012), 119–120
Scalar tilt from broken conformal invariance
Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 93:2 (2011), 56–59
In memory of Vladimir Mikhailovich Lobashev
UFN, 181:12 (2011), 1371–1372
Leonid Veniaminovich Keldysh (on his 80th birthday)
UFN, 181:4 (2011), 455–456
In memory of Yury Vladimirovich Gaponov
UFN, 181:3 (2011), 335–336
Темная энергия во Вселенной
Kvant, 2010, no. 5, 8–15
In memory of Georgii Timofeevich Zatsepin
UFN, 180:6 (2010), 671–672
In memory of Al'bert Nikiforovich Tavkhelidze
UFN, 180:4 (2010), 445–446
In memory of Vladimir Vladimirovich Bronfman
UFN, 179:12 (2009), 1373–1374
Lev Borisovich Okun (on his 80th birthday)
UFN, 179:7 (2009), 805–806
Dmitrii Vasil'evich Shirkov (on his 80th birthday)
UFN, 178:3 (2008), 331–332
Oleg Vladimirovich Rudenko (on his 60th birthday)
UFN, 177:12 (2007), 1385–1386
Vladimir Georgievich Kadyshevsky (on his 70th birthday)
UFN, 177:5 (2007), 583–584
In memory of Konstantin Gennad'evich Selivanov
UFN, 174:6 (2004), 691–692
In memory of Aleksandr Mikhailovich Baldin
UFN, 173:7 (2003), 795–796
Viktor Anatol'evich Matveev (on his sixtieth birthday)
UFN, 171:12 (2001), 1381–1382
Albert Nikiforovich Tavkhelidze (on his seventieth birthday)
UFN, 171:2 (2001), 221–222
In memory of Georgii Borisovich Khristiansen
UFN, 170:12 (2000), 1361–1362
The Theory of Physical Vacuum. Theory, Experiments, and Technologies by G I Shipov
UFN, 170:3 (2000), 351–352
In memory of Mikhail Veniaminovich Kazarnovskii
UFN, 169:8 (1999), 933–934
Lev Borisovich Okun' (on his seventieth birthday)
UFN, 169:7 (1999), 817–818
The series Problems of Nonuniform Physical Vacuum
UFN, 169:5 (1999), 591–592
In memory of Nikita Alekseevich Sveshnikov
UFN, 168:1 (1998), 109–110
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Pomanskiĭ (Obituary)
UFN, 164:5 (1994), 553–555
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