Publications in Math-Net.Ru
The Discrete Center-of-Mass Tomogram
Internat. J. Theoret. Phys., 59 (2020), 2404–2424
Probability representation of quantum dynamics using pseudostochastic maps
Phys. Rev. A, 101 (2020), 52320, 15 pp.
Probability representation of quantum channels
Lobachevskii J. Math., 40:10 (2019), 1444–1449
Tomographic portrait of quantum channels
Rep. Math. Phys., 81:2 (2018), 165–176
Unnormalized tomograms and quasidistributions of quantum states
TMF, 197:2 (2018), 328–342
New information-entropic relations for Clebsch–Gordan coefficients
TMF, 193:2 (2017), 356–366
Information Processing Using Three-Qubit and Qubit–Qutrit Encodings of Noncomposite Quantum Systems
J. Russian Laser Research, 37:6 (2016), 581–590
Star product, discrete Wigner functions, and spin-system tomograms
TMF, 186:3 (2016), 401–422
Single qudit realization of the Deutsch algorithm using superconducting many-level quantum circuits
Phys. Lett. A, 379:22 (2015), 1409–1413
Multilevel superconducting circuits as two-qubit systems: Operations, state preparation, and entropic inequalities
Phys. Rev. A, 91:4 (2015), 42312, 7 pp.
Tomographic discord for a system of two coupled nanoelectric circuits
Phys. Scr., 90:5 (2015), 55101, 13 pp.
Operator method for calculating $Q$ symbols and their relation to
Weyl–Wigner symbols and symplectic tomogram symbols
TMF, 179:2 (2014), 207–224
Purity of spin states in terms of tomograms
J. Russian Laser Research, 34:1 (2013), 14–21
Single photon-added coherent states: estimation of parameters and fidelity of the optical homodyne detection
Phys. Scr., 153 (2013), 14025, 5 pp.
Star product and ordered moments of photon creation and annihilation operators
J. Phys. A, 45 (2012), 15305, 12 pp.
Evolution of microwave quantum states in terms of measurable ordered moments of creation and annihilation operators
Optics and Spectroscopy, 112:3 (2012), 405–413
Relaxation equation for muon spin tomogram in probability representation
Optics and Spectroscopy, 112:3 (2012), 399–404
Description and measurement of observables in the optical tomographic probability representation of quantum mechanics
Phys. Rev. A, 85:5 (2012), 52119, 9 pp.
Towards higher precision and operational use of optical homodyne tomograms
Phys. Rev. A, 85 (2012), 52129, 10 pp.
Calculating means of quantum observables in the optical tomography representation
TMF, 171:3 (2012), 475–482
A transformational property of the Husimi function and its relation to the Wigner function and symplectic tomograms
TMF, 166:3 (2011), 410–424
Quantum Fourier transform and tomographic Rényi entropic inequalities
TMF, 160:1 (2009), 143–156
New inequalities for tomograms in the probability representation of quantum states
TMF, 152:2 (2007), 241–247
Tomography of Spin States, the Entanglement Criterion, and Bell's Inequalities
TMF, 146:1 (2006), 172–185
Fresnel Tomography: A Novel Approach to Wave-Function Reconstruction Based on the Fresnel Representation of Tomograms
TMF, 144:2 (2005), 384–393
Center-of-mass tomography and probability representation of quantum states for tunneling
TMF, 142:2 (2005), 371–387
Evolution of probability measures associated with quantum systems
TMF, 142:2 (2005), 365–370
Controlling potential traps for filtering solitons in Bose – Einstein condensates
Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 80:8 (2004), 609–613
Bell's Inequality for Two-Particle Mixed Spin States
TMF, 140:2 (2004), 284–296
Describing spinors using probability distribution functions
TMF, 115:2 (1998), 185–198
Quantum damped oscillator and classical formulation of quantum mechanics
TMF, 112:3 (1997), 467–478
Symmetries and soliton solutions of nonlinear equations
TMF, 63:1 (1985), 50–63
Group-theoretical methods in physics
UFN, 145:1 (1985), 168–169
Symplectic group and invariants of quantum systems
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 22 (1984), 59–100
Eigenfunctions of quadratic Hamiltonians in the Wigner representation
TMF, 60:3 (1984), 413–422
Quantum properties of high-$Q$ macroscopic resonators
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 7:10 (1980), 2124–2135
Invariants, Green's function, and coherent states of dynamical systems
TMF, 24:2 (1975), 164–176
Properties of fridmons and the early stage of evolution of the universe $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$
TMF, 17:2 (1973), 160–164
Coherent states and excitation of a charged particle in a constant magnetic field by means of an electric field
TMF, 6:1 (1971), 71–77
Bloch's functions of a relativistic charged particle in a magnetic field
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 188:2 (1969), 322–325
Experimental searches for fractionally charged quarks in matter
UFN, 91:3 (1967), 551–552
In memory of Andrei Vladimirovich Vinogradov
UFN, 167:8 (1997), 897–898
Revol't Ivanovich Pimenov (obituary)
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 47:1(283) (1992), 203–204
School-Seminar “Group Presentations in Physics”
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 44:6(270) (1989), 171–172
Il'ya Abramovich Malkin (Obituary)
UFN, 139:1 (1983), 187
Êàëèáðîâî÷íûå ïîëÿ
UFN, 110:4 (1973), 682–683
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