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Kondrat'ev Anatolii Semenovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Finite groups without elements of order 10: the case of solvable or almost simple groups

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 65:4 (2024),  636–644
  2. Finite 4-primary groups with disconnected Gruenberg–Kegel graph containig a triangle

    Algebra Logika, 62:1 (2023),  76–92
  3. One corollary of description of finite groups without elements of order $6$

    Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 20:2 (2023),  854–858
  4. Finite groups whose prime graphs do not contain triangles. III

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 64:1 (2023),  65–71
  5. To the memory of Irina Dmitrievna Suprunenko

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 29:1 (2023),  280–287
  6. Finite solvable groups whose Gruenberg-Kegel graphs are isomorphic to the paw

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 28:2 (2022),  269–273
  7. On finite 4-primary groups having a disconnected Gruenberg-Kegel graph and a composition factor isomorphic to $L_3(17)$ or $Sp_4(4)$

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 28:1 (2022),  139–155
  8. Recognition of the Group $E_6(2)$ by Gruenberg-Kegel Graph

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 27:4 (2021),  263–268
  9. On recognition of the sporadic simple groups $hs$, $j_3$, $suz$, $o'n$, $ly$, $th$, $fi_{23}$, and $fi_{24}'$ by the gruenberg–kegel graph

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 61:6 (2020),  1359–1365
  10. Finite Groups Whose Maximal Subgroups Are Solvable or Have Prime Power Indices

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 26:2 (2020),  125–131
  11. Recognizability by prime graph of the group ${^2}E_6(2)$

    Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 22:5 (2019),  115–120
  12. Recognition of the Sporadic Simple Groups $Ru,\ HN,\ Fi_{22},\ He,\ M^cL$, and $Co_3$ by Their Gruenberg–Kegel Graphs

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 25:4 (2019),  79–87
  13. On pronormal subgroups in finite simple groups

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 482:1 (2018),  7–11
  14. Finite Groups without Elements of Order Six

    Mat. Zametki, 104:5 (2018),  717–724
  15. Finite almost simple groups whose Gruenberg–Kegel graphs as abstract graphs are isomorphic to subgraphs of the Gruenberg–Kegel graph of the alternating group $A_{10}$

    Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 15 (2018),  1378–1382
  16. The 12th school-conference on group theory dedicated to the 65th birthday of A.A. Makhnev (Gelendzhik, May 13-20, 2018)

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 24:3 (2018),  286–295
  17. Stabilizers of vertices of graphs with primitive automorphism groups and a strong version of the Sims conjecture. IV

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 24:3 (2018),  109–132
  18. On the pronormality of subgroups of odd index in finite simple symplectic groups

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 58:3 (2017),  599–610
  19. Finite groups with given properties of their prime graphs

    Algebra Logika, 55:1 (2016),  113–120
  20. Stabilizers of vertices of graphs with primitive automorphism groups and a strong version of the Sims conjecture. III

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 22:4 (2016),  163–172
  21. Stabilizers of vertices of graphs with primitive automorphism groups and a strong version of the Sims conjecture. II

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 22:2 (2016),  177–187
  22. A pronormality criterion for supplements to abelian normal subgroups

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 22:1 (2016),  153–158
  23. Finite groups whose prime graphs do not contain triangles. II

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 22:1 (2016),  3–13
  24. On finite nonsolvable $5$-primary groups with disconnected Gruenberg–Kegel graph such that $\bigl|\pi\bigl(G / F(G)\bigr)\bigr| \le 4$

    Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 20:5 (2015),  69–87
  25. On the pronormality of subgroups of odd index in finite simple groups

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 56:6 (2015),  1375–1383
  26. Finite almost simple groups with prime graphs all of whose connected components are cliques

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 21:3 (2015),  132–141
  27. Finite groups whose prime graphs do not contain triangles. I

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 21:3 (2015),  3–12
  28. On finite groups with small simple spectrum, II

    Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh., 17:2 (2015),  22–31
  29. Finite almost simple $5$-primary groups and their Gruenberg–Kegel graphs

    Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 11 (2014),  634–674
  30. On realizability of a graph as the prime graph of a finite group

    Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 11 (2014),  246–257
  31. Stabilizers of vertices of graphs with primitive automorphism groups and a strong version of the Sims conjecture. I

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 20:4 (2014),  143–152
  32. Recognizability of groups $E_7(2)$ and $E_7(3)$ by prime graph

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 20:2 (2014),  223–229
  33. On the behavior of elements of prime order from a Zinger cycle in representations of a special linear group

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 19:3 (2013),  179–186
  34. Finite groups that have the same prime graph as the group $A_{10}$

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 19:1 (2013),  136–143
  35. On finite nonsimple threeprimary groups with disconnected prime graph

    Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 9 (2012),  472–477
  36. The complete reducibility of some $GF(2)A_7$-modules

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 18:3 (2012),  139–143
  37. Finite groups having the same prime graph as the group $Aut(J_2)$

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 18:3 (2012),  131–138
  38. On finite tetraprimary groups

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 17:4 (2011),  142–159
  39. On finite triprimary groups

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 16:3 (2010),  150–158
  40. Recognizability by spectrum of groups $E_8(q)$

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 16:3 (2010),  146–149
  41. Finite groups in which the normalizers of Sylow 3-subgroups are of odd or primary index

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 50:2 (2009),  344–349
  42. On recognizability by spectrum of finite simple groups of types $B_n$, $C_n$, and ${}^2D_n$ for$n=2^k$

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 15:2 (2009),  58–73
  43. On recognizability of some finite simple orthogonal groups by spectrum

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 15:1 (2009),  30–43
  44. О распознаваемости по спектру конечных простых ортогональных групп, II

    Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh., 11:4 (2009),  32–43
  45. Распознаваемость по спектру групп ${}^2D_p(3)$ для нечетного простого числа $p$

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 14:4 (2008),  3–11
  46. An example of a double Frobenius group with order components as in the simple group $S_4(3)$

    Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh., 10:1 (2008),  35–36
  47. Quasirecognition by the set of element orders of the groups $E_6(q)$ and $^2E_6(q)$

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 48:6 (2007),  1250–1271
  48. Finite groups in which the normalizers of pairwise intersections of Sylow 2-subgroups have odd indices

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 13:2 (2007),  90–103
  49. Quasirecognizability by the Set of Element Orders for Groups $^3D_4(q)$ and $F_4(q)$, for $q$ Odd

    Algebra Logika, 44:5 (2005),  517–539
  50. Normalizers of the Sylow 2-Subgroups in Finite Simple Groups

    Mat. Zametki, 78:3 (2005),  368–376
  51. 2-Signalizers of Finite Simple Groups

    Algebra Logika, 42:5 (2003),  594–623
  52. Quasirecognition of one class of finite simple groups by the set of element orders

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 44:2 (2003),  241–255
  53. Small degree modular representations of finite groups of Lie type

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 7:2 (2001),  124–187
  54. Recognition of alternating groups of prime degree from the orders of their elements

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 41:2 (2000),  359–369
  55. The 2-modular characters of the group $P\Omega_7(3)$

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 3 (1995),  50–59
  56. Modular represenfations of degree $\leq 27$ of finite quasisimple groups of alternating and sporadic types

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 1 (1992),  20–49
  57. Solvability of finite coatomic groups

    Mat. Zametki, 47:1 (1990),  92–97
  58. Spectral representation of nonequilibrium Green's functions in the Kadanoff–Baym technique

    TMF, 84:1 (1990),  141–145
  59. Finite linear groups of degree $6$

    Algebra Logika, 28:2 (1989),  181–206
  60. Prime graph components of finite simple groups

    Mat. Sb., 180:6 (1989),  787–797
  61. Decomposition numbers of the groups $\hat{\mathscr{J}}_2$ and ${\rm Aut}(\mathscr{J}_2)$

    Algebra Logika, 27:6 (1988),  690–710
  62. Decomposition numbers of the group $\mathscr{J}_2$

    Algebra Logika, 27:5 (1988),  535–561
  63. Linear groups of small degree over a field of order $2$

    Algebra Logika, 25:5 (1986),  544–565
  64. Finite groups

    Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Algebra. Topol. Geom., 24 (1986),  3–120
  65. Irreducible subgroups of the group $GL(9,2)$

    Mat. Zametki, 39:3 (1986),  320–329
  66. Subgroups of finite Chevalley groups

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 41:1(247) (1986),  57–96
  67. Irreducible subgroups of the group $\mathrm{GL}(7,2)$

    Mat. Zametki, 37:3 (1985),  317–321
  68. Solvable 2-local subgroups of finite groups

    Algebra Logika, 21:6 (1982),  670–689
  69. $2$-local subgroups of finite groups

    Algebra Logika, 21:2 (1982),  178–192
  70. Finite groups with a Sylow 2-subgroup having elementary commutant of order 8

    Mat. Zametki, 27:5 (1980),  673–681
  71. Some remarks on finite groups with a decomposable Sylow $2$ -subgroup

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 20:3 (1979),  664–666
  72. Finite groups whose Sylow 2-subgroup contains an elementary abelian subgroup of index 4

    Algebra Logika, 16:5 (1977),  557–576
  73. Finite simple groups with Sylow 2-subgroups of order $2^7$

    Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 41:4 (1977),  752–767
  74. Finite simple groups whose Sylow $2$-subgroups have a cyclic commutator subgroup

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 17:1 (1976),  85–90
  75. Finite simple groups whose Sylow $2$-subgroup is an extension of an abelian group by a group of rank $1$

    Algebra Logika, 14:3 (1975),  288–303
  76. Description of nonequilibrium processes by the Green's function method in a mixed representation

    TMF, 24:2 (1975),  278–282
  77. Generalized quantum kinetic equations for systems in external fields

    TMF, 17:2 (1973),  241–249
  78. Solution of a problem conserning oscillatory properties of the vibrations of longitudinally compressed rods

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1961, no. 5,  19–22

  79. Letter to the editors

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 28:1 (2022),  276–277
  80. Koibaev Vladimir Amurkhanovich (on his 60th birthday)

    Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh., 17:2 (2015),  68–70
  81. International conference on algebra and combinatorics dedicated to the $60$th birthday of A. A. Makhnev

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 19:3 (2013),  323–327
  82. International conference on “Algebra and geometry” dedicated to the 80th birthday A. I. Starostin

    Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 17:4 (2011),  321–325
  83. Eleventh All-Union Symposium on Group Theory

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 45:1(271) (1990),  207
  84. IV School on the Theory of Finite Groups

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 40:1(241) (1985),  241–243

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