Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
Remarkable properties of the full symmetric Toda system
G. I. Sharygin
Cohomological geometry of differential equations
November 6, 2024 19:20
Deformation quantisation of the argument shift on $U\mathfrak{gl}(n)$
G. I. Sharygin
Cohomological geometry of differential equations
March 6, 2024 19:20
The argument shift method in the universal enveloping algebra $U(\mathfrak{gl}_d)$
G. I. Sharygin
Lie groups and invariant theory
November 22, 2023 17:00
Quasiderivations and commutative subalgebras of the algebra $U\mathfrak{gl}_n$
G. I. Sharygin
Cohomological geometry of differential equations
March 15, 2023 19:20
Chopping integrals of the full symmetric Toda system, a new approach
G. I. Sharygin
Cohomological geometry of differential equations
December 21, 2022 19:20
Operations on universal enveloping algebra and the "argument shift" method
G. I. Sharygin
Cohomological geometry of differential equations
May 12, 2021 19:20
Symmetries of the full symmetric Toda system on real Lie groups
G. I. Sharygin
Complex analysis and mathematical physics
March 30, 2021 16:00
Noncommutative cross-ratios
G. I. Sharygin
Knots and Representation Theory
August 24, 2020 18:30
On a noncommutative cross-ratio
G. I. Sharygin
Integrable systems seminar
April 6, 2020 16:00
Full symmetric Toda flows on real Lie groups and Bruhat order
G. I. Sharygin
Cohomological geometry of differential equations
March 11, 2020 19:20
Characteristic classes of triangulated manifolds: Euler class
G. I. Sharygin
Geometric Topology Seminar
April 26, 2019 17:00
Homological obstructions to quantization commutative families of functions and actions of Lie algebras
G. I. Sharygin
Cohomological geometry of differential equations
March 20, 2019 19:20
Deformation quantization of commutative families
G. I. Sharygin
Dynamics in Siberia - 2019
February 26, 2019 13:35
On a combinatorial description for Euler class of a triangulated sphere bundle
G. I. Sharygin
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
May 15, 2018 16:45
Obstructions to deformation quantization of integrable systems
G. I. Sharygin
Differential geometry and applications
November 12, 2012 16:45
Higher Franz-Reidemeister torsions and analytic torsions, after Igusa and Gette
G. I. Sharygin
Geometric Topology Seminar
August 3, 2012 12:00
Higher Reidemeister torsion (after K. Igusa et al.)
G. I. Sharygin
Geometric Topology Seminar
April 6, 2012 18:15
Characteristic classes of combinatorial objects: twisting cochain and Igusa's constructions
G. I. Sharygin
Geometric Topology Seminar
October 25, 2011 15:00
Twisting cochain and characteristic classes of combinatorial objects
G. I. Sharygin
Geometric Topology Seminar
July 25, 2011 12:00
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