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Gnezdilov Oleg I

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Reaction of sodium N-benzylideneglycinate with dialkyl chlorophosphites in the presence of water

    Mendeleev Commun., 31:1 (2021),  107–109
  2. Effect of curcumin on lateral diffusion in lipid bilayers

    Mendeleev Commun., 26:2 (2016),  109–110
  3. Molecular self-diffusion and micellar structure in the aqueous solutions of AF9-10 ethoxylated isononylphenol near a cloud point

    Mendeleev Commun., 24:5 (2014),  266–268
  4. Synthesis and Antimycotic Properties of Hydroxy Sulfides Derived from exo- and endo-4-phenyl-3,5,8-trioxabicyclo[5.1.0]octanes

    Mendeleev Commun., 22:3 (2012),  127–128

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