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Merkur'ev Stanislav Petrovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Few-body problem in the boundary condition model and quasipotentials

    TMF, 94:3 (1993),  435–447
  2. Quantum scattering for effective nonabelian interactions

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 200 (1991),  205–212
  3. A plane wave in a three-body system with zero total orbital momentum

    Algebra i Analiz, 2:4 (1990),  182–200
  4. A trace formula for a three-particle system in an external electric field

    Algebra i Analiz, 1:2 (1989),  103–113
  5. Spectral identities for a three-particle system

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 308:6 (1989),  1355–1358
  6. Faddeev equations in the representation of a complete orbital moment

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 301:3 (1988),  581–585
  7. Quantum few-body problem with internal structure. II. Three-body problem

    TMF, 76:2 (1988),  242–260
  8. Quantum few-body problem with internal structure. I. Two-body problem

    TMF, 75:3 (1988),  431–444
  9. Quantum $N$-body scattering theory in configuration space

    TMF, 56:1 (1983),  60–73
  10. Differential formulation of the scattering problem for a $N$-body system

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 262:3 (1982),  591–594
  11. Integral equations in the quantum scattering problem for a system of three charged particles

    TMF, 38:2 (1979),  201–218
  12. Description of the pair potentials for which the scattering in the quantum system of three one-dimensional particles is free of diffractional effects

    Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 84 (1979),  16–22
  13. Wave functions and generalized wave operators for the Schrödinger equation of a system of three charged particles

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 241:1 (1978),  68–71
  14. Structure of the resolvent of the Schrödinger operator for a system of three charged particles

    Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 77 (1978),  148–187
  15. Coordinate asymptotic behavior of $(3\to 3)$ wave functions for a system of three charged particles

    TMF, 32:2 (1977),  187–207
  16. Kinematic properties of three-particle reactions

    TMF, 31:1 (1977),  48–61
  17. Two-particle resonances and singularities of the $(2\to 3)$ scattering amplitude

    TMF, 27:1 (1976),  67–80
  18. An $S$-matrix regularization of the trace formula for a three-particle system

    Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 63 (1976),  95–131
  19. Variational principle for three-particle systems

    TMF, 17:2 (1973),  221–229
  20. Coordinate asymptotic behavior of three-particle wave functions

    TMF, 8:2 (1971),  235–250
  21. The third group integral in quantum mechanical statistics

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 110 (1970),  29–44
  22. On the connection between the third virial coefficient and the $S$ matrix

    TMF, 5:3 (1970),  372–387
  23. Trace equation for a three-particle system

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 189:2 (1969),  269–272

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